Top Resources For Bootstrap

by Janeth Kent Date: 17-05-2020 bootstrap bootstrap4 resources webdesign

Bootstrap is an interactive front-end web development framework, designed to facilitate the development of applications and other elements. The latest version of Bootstrap, Bootstrap 4, combines JavaScript, HTML and CSS allowing you to create an active, fast and efficient web page. The design of a responsive web page is one of the main features of Bootstrap and one of the main characteristics that positions it above other development frameworks. If you want to become a web developer, then you should spend some time learning Bootstrap and how it works.

As the title indicates, here are some free resources for Bootstrap. If you don't know what is Bootstrap or you want to know something else, check my article Bootstrap for beginners.

From introductory tutorials to wireframing kits and custom generators, there’s something here for every Bootstrap lover.

Official Bootstrap resources Official resources for Bootstrap

Title View
Bootstrap itself Go
Bootstrap Google group Go
Bootstrap SASS Go

Templates Ready to go Bootstrap templates

Title View
Best selling Themeforest templates Go
Themes for Bootstrap Go
WrapBootstrap Go
Flat UI template for Bootstrap Go
Bootstrapmade Go
Bootstraptor free KIT Twitter Bootstrap templates Go
Bootstrap Fireworks Toolkit Go
How To Build and Customize Your Own Bootstrap Theme Go
Bootstrap Infographic Go
Bootplus Go
Bootstrap 3 Upgrader Go Go
CardeoStrap Go Go
Tablestrap | A Bootstrap table generator Go
BootstrapZero Go
Bootstrap 2 HTML to Bootstrap 3 converter Go
GetTemplate Go
Detailed blog post on integrating Bootstrap Go
Social Buttons for Bootstrap Go
Bootstrap Style Guide Boilerplate Go
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 Go
Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder Go
Free Bootstrap Themes and Templates Go
GrayGrids Go
BootPress Go
Bootstrapious Go


Forms Form extensions, additions, validation, typeahead plugins, etc.

Title View
Bootstrap File upload button Go
Modern upload for Bootstrap Go
Bootstrap Toggle Buttons Go
X-editable Go
Select Multiple Select Go
TinyMCE skin Bootstrap Go
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x Go
BIC calendar Go
Bootstrap styled file upload button Go
Markdown Editor Go
UserPie Go
Chosen Go
Bootstrap Toggle Go
Ladda UI spinner effect Go
Bootstrap toggle Go
Bootstrap TouchSpin Go
Bootstrap duallistbox Go
Validate - Form Validation for Bootstrap 2 & 3 Go
Bootstrap Color Picker Sliders Go
Bootstrap dynamic form Go
Bootstrap Star Rating Go
Bootstrap File Input Go
MagicSuggest Go
Titatiggle Go
Professional Bootstrap Iconic Buttons Go
Flat Alert Boxes Go
Popup MultiSelect Go
bootcomplete.js Go


Modal extensions Extending Modal plugins for Bootstrap, adding effects, compatibility, etc.

Title View
Bootbox.js Go
Extended Bootstrap Modals Go


Javascript extensions Extending Bootstrap Upload functionality, pagination, tables, typeahead and other scriptable aspects of Bootstrap.

Title View
Colorpicker for Bootstrap Go
Date Range picker Go
Bootbox.js Go
Fuel UX Go
Modern upload for Bootstrap Go
BootPag Go
Tab drop for Bootstrap Go
Markdown Editor Go
Bootstrap Maxlength Go

Colorizers and UI improvements Need to make your Bootstrap color scheme pretty? These resources will help customize Bootstrap.

Title View
Bootstrap Button Builder Go
Make your Bootstrap pretty Go
Bootstrap Captcha Go
Bootstrap jQuery UI theme Go
Facebook page Bootstrap style Go
Google Plus style for Bootstrap Go
SelectBoxIt Go
Bootstrap File upload button Go
Bootswatch. Free themes for Bootstrap. Go
Boostrap Theme Roller Go
Bootstrap Toggle Buttons Go
BootTheme : Online Web Design Tool and Theme Generator for Twitter Bootstrap Go
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers Go
BootMetro Go
Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents Plugin Go
Flatstrap Go
Select2 Go
Kickstrap Go
Bootstrap magic Go
TinyMCE skin Bootstrap Go
bootstrap-select Go
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x Go
BIC calendar Go
Bootstrap Switch Go
LTR to RTL PHP script. Go
Bootstrap styled file upload button Go
Bootstro.js Go
Bootstrap Dropdown Menus Enhancement Go
Bootstrap Maxlength Go
bootstrap-wysiwyg Go
Social Buttons Go
1pxdeep Go
Chosen Go
Bootplus Go
Bootstrap Mega Menu Go
Ladda UI spinner effect Go
Bootstrap Icon Picker Go
Bootstrap toggle Go
Responsive Pagination for Bootstrap 3 Go
Hexagons Go
Bootstrap accessibility plugin Go
Image Gallery for bootstrap Go
Social buttons Go
Social Buttons for Bootstrap Go
Velocity.js Go
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 Go
Customize Bootstrap Theme Go
VegiThemes Go
Overlay Bootstrap Go
Bootstrap Milestones Go
Bootstrap Live Customizer Go


Icon fonts Icon fonts are essential for screen resolution - independent web design, make sure you use them instead of standard Bootstrap icons.

Title View
Font Awesome Go
Fontello Go
Bootstrap Arrows Go
Ligature Symbols Icons Go
Font Custom Go
Elusive Icons Go
Icon Search Go
GlyphSearch Go
Bootstrap Stroke Icons Go
Free Bootstrap Themes and Templates Go


Title View
Divshot Go
Bootstrap Button Builder Go
Pingendo Go
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers Go
JetStrap Go
Bootstraptor free KIT Twitter Bootstrap templates Go
Photoshop template for Bootstrap v2.0 Go
Bootstrap Fireworks Toolkit Go
Bootply Go
Leapstrap Go
Social Buttons for Bootstrap Go
gridmanager.js Go
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 Go
Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder Go
BootPress Go


Modal extensions

Title View
Bootbox.js Go
Extended Bootstrap Modals Go
Bootstrap Lightbox Go
Bootstrap accessibility plugin Go
Image Gallery for bootstrap Go
Bootstrap Confirmation Go
Popup MultiSelect Go


Javascript Extensions

Title View
Colorpicker for Bootstrap Go
Pretty Tables Go
Date Range picker Go
Bootbox.js Go
Fuel UX Go
Context Menu for Bootstrap Go
Bootstrap File upload button Go
Modern upload for Bootstrap Go
BootPag Go
Bootstrap tags Go
Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents Plugin Go
Bootstrap Form Helpers Go
Link Preview Go
Data Tables Twitter Bootstrap 2 Go
Tags Manager Go
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x Go
Knockout-bootstrap Go
Tab drop for Bootstrap Go
Bootstrap Switch Go
Bootstro.js Go
Markdown Editor Go
Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete Go
Bootstrap Maxlength Go
Bootstrap Multi-Suggest Typeahead Go
Chosen Go
Bootstrap Multiselect Go
A mini js+css library for flipping things over. Go
bootstrap-colorpalette Go
bootstrap-checkbox Go
Tokenfield for Bootstrap Go
Summernote Go
Bootstrap Mega Menu Go
Leapstrap Go
Bootstrap Date Paginator Go
Flippant Go
Bootstrap Icon Picker Go
Yet another Bootstrap Megamenu Go
Validate - Form Validation for Bootstrap 2 & 3 Go
Label in Place Go
Responsive Pagination for Bootstrap 3 Go
jQuery Minicolors Go
Bootstrap Growl Go
Bootstrap Tree View Go
GTreeTable Go
Bootstrap Star Rating Go
Strength Meter Go
Bootstrap File Input Go
Responsive Bootstrap Mega Menu Go
Velocity.js Go
jQuery DataList Go
gridmanager.js Go
Bootstrap Sidebar Go
Bootstrap Table Go
snabbt.js Go
Native Javascript for Bootstrap Go
Bootstrap Dropdown Hover Go


Uncategorized Yet to be categorized

Title View
Bootstrap Tours Go
Grid displayer bookmarklet Go
Sublime Text 2 snippets Go
Bootstrap CDN Go
Unofficial Debian Package for Twitter Bootstrap Go
Bootstrap Nuget Packages Go
wicket-bootstrap Go
Django Admin Bootstrap theme Go
RTL Twitter Bootstrap Go
Twitter Bootstrap MVC Go
Tablestrap | A Bootstrap table generator Go
Icon Search Go
Bootlint This Page - Chrome Extension Go
Bootstrap Milestones Go

by Janeth Kent Date: 17-05-2020 bootstrap bootstrap4 resources webdesign hits : 12640  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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