Bootstrap is an interactive front-end web development framework, designed to facilitate the development of applications and other elements. The latest version of Bootstrap, Bootstrap 4, combines JavaScript, HTML and CSS allowing you to create an active, fast and efficient web page. The design of a responsive web page is one of the main features of Bootstrap and one of the main characteristics that positions it above other development frameworks. If you want to become a web developer, then you should spend some time learning Bootstrap and how it works.
As the title indicates, here are some free resources for Bootstrap. If you don't know what is Bootstrap or you want to know something else, check my article Bootstrap for beginners.
From introductory tutorials to wireframing kits and custom generators, there’s something here for every Bootstrap lover.
Official Bootstrap resources Official resources for Bootstrap
Title | Description | |
Bootstrap itself | Twitter Bootstrap Framework | Go |
Bootstrap Google group | Ask your Bootstrap questions here | Go |
Bootstrap SASS | Bootlint, an HTML linting tool for projects using vanilla Bootstrap. Using Bootlint (either in-browser or from the command line via Node.js), you can automatically check your Bootstrapped webpages for many common Bootstrap usage mistakes. | Go |
Templates Ready to go Bootstrap templates
Title | Description | View |
Best selling Themeforest templates | A list of best selling Bootstrap templates from Themeforest | Go |
Themes for Bootstrap | Hand crafted, premium themes for Bootstrap. | Go |
WrapBootstrap | Themes and layouts for Bootsrap. | Go |
Flat UI template for Bootstrap | Amazing Interface Kit for Bootstrap. Contains icons, glyphs, buttons, dropdowns, PSD and HTML files for impressive web applications | Go |
Bootstrapmade | Buy and sell premium bootstrap site templates and themes. | Go |
Bootstraptor free KIT Twitter Bootstrap templates | WHAT IN THIS BOX Gradually accumulated some templates, we have decided to provide it for Bootstrap community. Free of charge to download a set of basic template build with Bootstrap framework on his popular base. | Go |
Bootstrap Fireworks Toolkit | The original Bootstrap Toolkit for Adobe Fireworks. It contains all of the version 2.1 ui elements created as reusable vectors. Copy and Paste them over to your new Fireworks document to create your designs. Perfect for creating web apps! | Go |
How To Build and Customize Your Own Bootstrap Theme | A guide on quickly choosing the right colors for your bootstrap theme and how to efficiently build said theme. Also includes other resources and a list of unique sites built with Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Infographic | A very nice interactive inforgraphic about Twitter Bootstrap | Go |
Bootplus | Sleek, intuitive, and powerful Google styled front-end framework for faster and easier web development. | Go |
Bootstrap 3 Upgrader | Update to Bootstrap 3.0. your HTML code from Bootstrap 2.3 | Go | | Free HTML Starter Templates for Bootstrap | Go |
CardeoStrap | A flat theme for Twitter Bootstrap 3. Free to download from github. | Go | | - Free Handsome Bootstrap Themes. If you don't have money to purchase a premium theme, you should visit We have totally free handsome themes for you. Because Free, doesn't always mean crappy. =) | Go |
Tablestrap | A Bootstrap table generator | Tablestrap is a utility to create tables in a snap. Simpy define the rows and columns you need and whether you want, striped, condensed or bordered or even a mixture of the three and you'll be on your way to creating tables in no time. | Go |
BootstrapZero | A collection of free, open source responsive Bootstrap templates and themes. | Go |
Bootstrap 2 HTML to Bootstrap 3 converter | Code converter for Bootstrap 2 HTML to Bootstrap 3 by Divshot | Go |
GetTemplate | - A growing collection of free HTML5/CSS3 Bootstrap templates for various niches - from personal portfolio to corporate portal. Premium quality (otherwise we'd not bother you publishing them) | Go |
Detailed blog post on integrating Bootstrap | Learn to integrate Bootstrap framework in your applications. From using CDN to switching themes, you will learn the details of implementing Bootstrap in your projects. | Go |
Social Buttons for Bootstrap | Social Sign-In Buttons made in pure CSS based on Bootstrap and Font Awesome! | Go |
Bootstrap Style Guide Boilerplate | Bootstrap Style Guide Boilerplate is an easy way to generate living style guides semi-automatically, by linking a stylesheet and creating html files for each element /pattern. | Go |
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 | ightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 3. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements. | Go |
Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder | Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder | Go |
Free Bootstrap Themes and Templates | Setbootstrap is a free big collection of bootstrap themes | Go |
GrayGrids | Hi, GrayGrids Provides Free Downloadable Bootstrap Templates and resources. Everything is Free/non-profit and ad free. If you add us on resource list, it will be helpful for everyone to find premium quality free Bootstrap templates easily. Thanks | Go |
BootPress | A flat-file CMS that is built around Bootstrap and allows you to easily generate themes, tables, navs, pagination, buttons, dropdowns, accordions, carousels ... you name it - all without touching a single div! | Go |
Bootstrapious | Original Bootstrap 3 based freebies. Nice, clean and elegant. | Go |
Forms Form extensions, additions, validation, typeahead plugins, etc.
Title | Description | View |
Bootstrap File upload button | Awesome Bootstrap extensions by Jasny including a file upload button that matches Bootstrap styles. | Go |
Modern upload for Bootstrap | File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads and client-side image resizing. Works with any server-side platform (PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Node.js, Go etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. | Go |
Bootstrap Toggle Buttons | Nice Bootstrap Toggle Buttons | Go |
X-editable | In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery This library allows you to create editable elements on your page. | Go |
Select Multiple Select | Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. Look and feel of Select2 is based on the excellent Chosen library. | Go |
TinyMCE skin Bootstrap | A template for tinyMCE based on Twitter Bootstrap | Go |
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x | bootstrap-tag is a javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful tag inputs with the help of Twitter Bootstrap. | Go |
BIC calendar | Nice calendar for Bootstrap with popovers | Go |
Bootstrap styled file upload button | Make your file input buttons pretty with this jQuery plugin | Go |
Markdown Editor | Markdown editing meet Bootstrap | Go |
UserPie | Simple PHP user authentication framework (login form, registration, etc.) based on based on Twitter Bootstrap. | Go |
Chosen | Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors. | Go |
Bootstrap Toggle | Bootstrap Toggle is a lightweight Bootstrap plugin that allows toggle switches on your pages. | Go |
Ladda UI spinner effect | Great effect that puts the spinner directly inside a button to give your users immediate feedback after a click or form submit. | Go |
Bootstrap toggle | Bootstrap Toggle is a lightweight Bootstrap plugin that allows toggle switches on your pages. | Go |
Bootstrap TouchSpin | Bootstrap TouchSpin is a mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3. | Go |
Bootstrap duallistbox | Responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices. | Go |
Validate - Form Validation for Bootstrap 2 & 3 | Form validation designed for Bootstrap using Tooltips. Uses Ajax for PHP based server-side validation. Easy to set up with HTML properties. Also compatible with 'chosen' improved select boxes. | Go |
Bootstrap Color Picker Sliders | Advanced responsive color selector with color swatches and support for human perceived lightness. | Go |
Bootstrap dynamic form | A bootstrap plugin that can build a dynamic form | Go |
Bootstrap Star Rating | A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap. Developed with a focus on utilizing pure CSS-3 styling to render the control. | Go |
Bootstrap File Input | Plugin that converts a simple file input into an advanced widget with file preview for images and text, multiple selection, and more. | Go |
MagicSuggest | Responsive Multiple Selection Combobox based on Bootstrap 3 | Go |
Titatiggle | Using the Bootstrap checkbox pattern to create toggle buttons. No js needed. | Go |
Professional Bootstrap Iconic Buttons | Professional iconic buttons based on twitter bootstrap | Go |
Flat Alert Boxes | Additional flat alert message boxes for bootstrap websites | Go |
Popup MultiSelect | Allows you to select multiple options in a modal widow. A better option to HTML 5 multiSelect. | Go |
bootcomplete.js | A lightweight AJAX autocomplete for Bootstrap. | Go |
Modal extensions Extending Modal plugins for Bootstrap, adding effects, compatibility, etc.
Title | Description | View |
Bootbox.js | Alert, confirm and flexible dialogs for Bootstrap. | Go |
Extended Bootstrap Modals | Extends Bootstrap's native modals to provide additional functionality. Responsive, Stackable, Full width, Load content via AJAX | Go |
Javascript extensions Extending Bootstrap Upload functionality, pagination, tables, typeahead and other scriptable aspects of Bootstrap.
Title | Description | View |
Colorpicker for Bootstrap | Nice colorpicker for Bootstrap | Go |
Date Range picker | Date range picker component for Twitter Bootstrap creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates. | Go |
Bootbox.js | Alert, confirm and flexible dialogs for Bootstrap. | Go |
Fuel UX | Fuel UX extends Twitter Bootstrap with additional lightweight JavaScript controls. | Go |
Modern upload for Bootstrap | File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads and client-side image resizing. Works with any server-side platform (PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Node.js, Go etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. | Go |
BootPag | BootPag - dynamic pagination jQuery plugin for twitter bootstrap | Go |
Tab drop for Bootstrap | Very usefull script when your tabs do not fit in a single row. This script takes the not fitting tabs and makes a new dropdown tab. In the dropdown there are all the tabs that do not fit. | Go |
Markdown Editor | Markdown editing meet Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Maxlength | Bootstrap Maxlength is a jQuery / Twitter Bootstrap plugin useful to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. | Go |
Colorizers and UI improvements Need to make your Bootstrap color scheme pretty? These resources will help customize Bootstrap.
Title | Description | View |
Bootstrap Button Builder | Generate your bootstrap buttons quickly with Bootsnipp Button generator! | Go |
Make your Bootstrap pretty | Paintstrap lets you quickly choose a color palette from Colorlovers or Adobe Kuler | Go |
Bootstrap Captcha | Captcha styles for Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap jQuery UI theme | Provides Bootstrap look and feel to jQuery UI components | Go |
Facebook page Bootstrap style | Fbootstrapp is a toolkit designed to kickstart development of facebook iframe apps in both relevant sizes. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more, styled in the typical facebook look and feel. | Go |
Google Plus style for Bootstrap | This Bootstrap style looks very much like Google+ interface! | Go |
SelectBoxIt | Bootstrap Styled select boxes | Go |
Bootstrap File upload button | Awesome Bootstrap extensions by Jasny including a file upload button that matches Bootstrap styles. | Go |
Bootswatch. Free themes for Bootstrap. | Add color to your Bootstrap site without touching a color picker | Go |
Boostrap Theme Roller | ThemeRoller for Twitter Bootstrap. | Go |
Bootstrap Toggle Buttons | Nice Bootstrap Toggle Buttons | Go |
BootTheme : Online Web Design Tool and Theme Generator for Twitter Bootstrap | BootTheme is a cloud based Online Web Design Tool as well as a Theme Generator. You can design webpages easily, generate themes effortlessly and preview result instantly using BootTheme. | Go |
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers | This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy. (Send improvements to @charliepark.) | Go |
BootMetro | BootMetro provides simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for web apps that wants to use the "Windows 8 MetroUI" style, without the need to run on Windows 8. It is built on top of Twitter Bootstrap and was originally inspired by the Metro UI CSS by Sergey Pimenov. | Go |
Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents Plugin | A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller, and optionally animated with jQuery show/hide effects. Tocify also optionally provides support for smooth scrolling, scroll highlighting, scroll page extending, and forward and back button support. | Go |
Flatstrap | Don't need rounded corners or gradients in your Bootstrap? Use Flatstrap | Go |
Select2 | Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. | Go |
Kickstrap | Kickstrap is a no-install framework to extend Bootstrap with apps, themes, and, extras. | Go |
Bootstrap magic | Bootstrap themes generator with new features such as smart typeahead, additionnal variables, colorpicker. It is made with AngularJS. Give it a try. | Go |
TinyMCE skin Bootstrap | A template for tinyMCE based on Twitter Bootstrap | Go |
bootstrap-select | A custom select for @twitter bootstrap using button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects | Go |
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x | bootstrap-tag is a javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful tag inputs with the help of Twitter Bootstrap. | Go |
BIC calendar | Nice calendar for Bootstrap with popovers | Go |
Bootstrap Switch | Unofficial bootstrap switch! | Go |
LTR to RTL PHP script. | PHP script to flip bootstrap direction from LTR to RTL. | Go |
Bootstrap styled file upload button | Make your file input buttons pretty with this jQuery plugin | Go |
Bootstro.js | Show your users a guided tour of what is what on a page. Especially, for first-time users. Use it with Bootstrap. | Go |
Bootstrap Dropdown Menus Enhancement | Enhancing functionality of dropdown menus. Added the following improvements: Support for radio and checkboxes Positioning of menus Bullet for menus | Go |
Bootstrap Maxlength | Bootstrap Maxlength is a jQuery / Twitter Bootstrap plugin useful to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. | Go |
bootstrap-wysiwyg | tiny wysiwyg rich text editor for Bootstrap | Go |
Social Buttons | Gorgeous, vector, Retina-ready, and customisable social media buttons using Bootstrap and Font Awesome. | Go |
1pxdeep | An amazing Flat color theme generator for Bootstrap by @RexR | Go |
Chosen | Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors. | Go |
Bootplus | Sleek, intuitive, and powerful Google styled front-end framework for faster and easier web development. | Go |
Bootstrap Mega Menu | This is Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap from Twitter. It uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements. This project is currently hosted on Github. | Go |
Ladda UI spinner effect | Great effect that puts the spinner directly inside a button to give your users immediate feedback after a click or form submit. | Go |
Bootstrap Icon Picker | If you are looking for a way to create dynamic items(menu,tab,button) with dynamic icon provided by Bootstrap 3 as [glyphicon]( and need a picker like color picker or date picker from where you can select the icon and corresponding icon-class goes to your form field(input) you are in right place! | Go |
Bootstrap toggle | Bootstrap Toggle is a lightweight Bootstrap plugin that allows toggle switches on your pages. | Go |
Responsive Pagination for Bootstrap 3 | rPage is an easy to use plugin for making Bootstrap 3's pagination more responsive. rPage automatically shrinks the pagination component and removes some of its elements when there isn't enough room. | Go |
Hexagons | Easy customizable hexagons for your website with CSS or LESS. | Go |
Bootstrap accessibility plugin | Bootstrap Accessibility Plugin is an extension for the Bootstrap 3 web development framework that makes many of the components of this library accessible for keyboard and screen reader users. | Go |
Image Gallery for bootstrap | bootstrap image gallery implementation | Go |
Social buttons | Social buttons for Bootstrap | Go |
Social Buttons for Bootstrap | Social Sign-In Buttons made in pure CSS based on Bootstrap and Font Awesome! | Go |
Velocity.js | Incredibly fast JavaScript animation. | Go |
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 | ightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 3. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements. | Go |
Customize Bootstrap Theme | Customize your Bootstrap theme using LESS variables modification and live preview! | Go |
VegiThemes | Free Twitter Bootstrap Themes! | Go |
Overlay Bootstrap | An overlay extension for panel's body and a multiple responsive's captions for the thumbnails. | Go |
Bootstrap Milestones | A shiny bootstrap plugin to create milestone lists, written with {less}. It displays events and actions in a clean and responsive way, in your story-based views. | Go |
Bootstrap Live Customizer | Customize Bootstrap variables live on the page, and download the compiled, minified bootstrap.css ready to use on your website! | Go |
Icon fonts Icon fonts are essential for screen resolution - independent web design, make sure you use them instead of standard Bootstrap icons.
Title | Description | View |
Font Awesome | Nice vector icon fonts for Bootstrap | Go |
Fontello | All iconic fonts in one customized vector font. You can choose glyphs to include in your set. | Go |
Bootstrap Arrows | Arrows for Bootstrap, by @Iarfhlaith | Go |
Ligature Symbols Icons | Iconic font with 250 icons. | Go |
Font Custom | Generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line. | Go |
Elusive Icons | Elusive Icons is a webfont that can be used with any of your projects. Bootstrap-based, Foundation-based or even your custom projects! | Go |
Icon Search | Search different icon sets for relevant icons based on keywords. Supports bootstrap versions 2 and 3 as well as font awesome version 4 | Go |
GlyphSearch | Search for icons from Font Awesome, Glyphicons, IcoMoon, and Ionicons | Go |
Bootstrap Stroke Icons | 205 vector icons in stroke style, fully compatible with Bootstrap | Go |
Free Bootstrap Themes and Templates | Setbootstrap is a free big collection of bootstrap themes | Go |
Title | Description | View |
Divshot | Divshot is a drag & drop interface builder for Bootstrap with a great user friendly interface and WYSIWYG approach. | Go |
Bootstrap Button Builder | Generate your bootstrap buttons quickly with Bootsnipp Button generator! | Go |
Pingendo | Pingedo is a visual builder for HTML5 documents. With drag and drop, full CSS3 styling and realtime HTML/CSS editor. With support for Bootstrap and Bootsnip. For free. | Go |
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers | This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy. (Send improvements to @charliepark.) | Go |
JetStrap | Jetstrap is an easy way to build Bootstrap interfaces and designs. Drag-and-drop from a large set of Bootstrap components or add your own code. | Go |
Bootstraptor free KIT Twitter Bootstrap templates | WHAT IN THIS BOX Gradually accumulated some templates, we have decided to provide it for Bootstrap community. Free of charge to download a set of basic template build with Bootstrap framework on his popular base. | Go |
Photoshop template for Bootstrap v2.0 | Bootstrap PSD v2.0 | Go |
Bootstrap Fireworks Toolkit | The original Bootstrap Toolkit for Adobe Fireworks. It contains all of the version 2.1 ui elements created as reusable vectors. Copy and Paste them over to your new Fireworks document to create your designs. Perfect for creating web apps! | Go |
Bootply | Playground, editor and visual builder for Bootstrap. Find Bootstrap examples, and 2.x to 3 conversion tools. | Go |
Leapstrap | Leapstrap provides Leap Motion interactivity for your website. Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3, Leapstrap comes with ready-to-use components that make your website touch friendly. | Go |
VCL.JS | Typescript/Bootstrap framework for enterprise web app. | Go |
Social Buttons for Bootstrap | Social Sign-In Buttons made in pure CSS based on Bootstrap and Font Awesome! | Go |
gridmanager.js | A way of building rows and grids with built in editable regions; requires jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap 3.x, & optional TinyMCE or CKEditor | Go |
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 | ightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 3. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements. | Go |
Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder | Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder | Go |
BootPress | A flat-file CMS that is built around Bootstrap and allows you to easily generate themes, tables, navs, pagination, buttons, dropdowns, accordions, carousels ... you name it - all without touching a single div! | Go |
Modal extensions
Title | Description | View |
Bootbox.js | Alert, confirm and flexible dialogs for Bootstrap. | Go |
Extended Bootstrap Modals | Extends Bootstrap's native modals to provide additional functionality. Responsive, Stackable, Full width, Load content via AJAX | Go |
Bootstrap Lightbox | Lightbox feature for images and text content | Go |
Bootstrap accessibility plugin | Bootstrap Accessibility Plugin is an extension for the Bootstrap 3 web development framework that makes many of the components of this library accessible for keyboard and screen reader users. | Go |
Image Gallery for bootstrap | bootstrap image gallery implementation | Go |
Bootstrap Confirmation | Bootstrap plugin for on-place confirm boxes using Popover. | Go |
Popup MultiSelect | Allows you to select multiple options in a modal widow. A better option to HTML 5 multiSelect. | Go |
Javascript Extensions
Title | Description | View |
Colorpicker for Bootstrap | Nice colorpicker for Bootstrap | Go |
Pretty Tables | Nice looking tables in Bootstrap | Go |
Date Range picker | Date range picker component for Twitter Bootstrap creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates. | Go |
Bootbox.js | Alert, confirm and flexible dialogs for Bootstrap. | Go |
Fuel UX | Fuel UX extends Twitter Bootstrap with additional lightweight JavaScript controls. | Go |
Context Menu for Bootstrap | Bootstrap-ified Right Click menu for Bootstrap - check the demo here : | Go |
Bootstrap File upload button | Awesome Bootstrap extensions by Jasny including a file upload button that matches Bootstrap styles. | Go |
Modern upload for Bootstrap | File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads and client-side image resizing. Works with any server-side platform (PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Node.js, Go etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. | Go |
BootPag | BootPag - dynamic pagination jQuery plugin for twitter bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap tags | Javascript tagging for Twitter Bootstrap (Written in CoffeeScript) Demo at : | Go |
Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents Plugin | A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller, and optionally animated with jQuery show/hide effects. Tocify also optionally provides support for smooth scrolling, scroll highlighting, scroll page extending, and forward and back button support. | Go |
Bootstrap Form Helpers | A collection of jQuery plugins to enhance your Bootstrap forms. | Go |
Link Preview | A facebook-like link preview js library based on Twitter Bootstrap styling components. | Go |
Data Tables Twitter Bootstrap 2 | DataTables can be used with Bootstrap 2. There are a number of changes that effect the DataTables integration in Bootstrap 2: 1.Name change for the table classes 2.The grid has been changed from 16 to 12 columns 3.Classes for table sorting have been removed 4.Form elements are not laid out slightly differently 5.Minor changes to the table CSS | Go |
Tags Manager | A jQuery plugin (working nicely with Twitter Bootstrap) | Go |
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x | bootstrap-tag is a javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful tag inputs with the help of Twitter Bootstrap. | Go |
Knockout-bootstrap | Custom knockout bindings that make it easier for developers to integrate bootstrap into their knockout views. | Go |
Tab drop for Bootstrap | Very usefull script when your tabs do not fit in a single row. This script takes the not fitting tabs and makes a new dropdown tab. In the dropdown there are all the tabs that do not fit. | Go |
Bootstrap Switch | Unofficial bootstrap switch! | Go |
Bootstro.js | Show your users a guided tour of what is what on a page. Especially, for first-time users. Use it with Bootstrap. | Go |
Markdown Editor | Markdown editing meet Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete | @mention autocomplete like Facebook, Twitter and Sandglaz. | Go |
Bootstrap Maxlength | Bootstrap Maxlength is a jQuery / Twitter Bootstrap plugin useful to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. | Go |
Bootstrap Multi-Suggest Typeahead | Extends the default Bootstrap Typeahead component to support: multiple datasources data from Backbone.js Collections, RESTful services (AJAX/JSON), and static arrays dynamic filtering custom, per-datasource list formatters separate visible & hidden select values minimum number of characters before a search is performed | Go |
Chosen | Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors. | Go |
Bootstrap Multiselect | Bootstrap Multiselect is a JQuery based plugin to provide an intuitive user interface for using select inputs with the multiple attribute present. Instead of a select a bootstrap button will be shown as dropdown menu containing the single options as checkboxes. | Go |
A mini js+css library for flipping things over. | A mini js+css library for flipping things over. | Go |
bootstrap-colorpalette | Simple color palette for Bootstrap | Go |
bootstrap-checkbox | Tree state checkbox for Bootstrap | Go |
Tokenfield for Bootstrap | Elegant tagging plugin with a focus on keyboard and copy & paste support. | Go |
Summernote | Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap. | Go |
Bootstrap Mega Menu | This is Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap from Twitter. It uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements. This project is currently hosted on Github. | Go |
Leapstrap | Leapstrap provides Leap Motion interactivity for your website. Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3, Leapstrap comes with ready-to-use components that make your website touch friendly. | Go |
Bootstrap Date Paginator | A jQuery plugin which takes Twitter Bootstrap's already great pagination component and injects a bit of date based magic. In the process creating a hugely simplified and modularised way of paging date based results in your application. | Go |
Flippant | A mini js+css library for flipping things over. | Go |
Bootstrap Icon Picker | If you are looking for a way to create dynamic items(menu,tab,button) with dynamic icon provided by Bootstrap 3 as [glyphicon]( and need a picker like color picker or date picker from where you can select the icon and corresponding icon-class goes to your form field(input) you are in right place! | Go |
Yet another Bootstrap Megamenu | It uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements. | Go |
Validate - Form Validation for Bootstrap 2 & 3 | Form validation designed for Bootstrap using Tooltips. Uses Ajax for PHP based server-side validation. Easy to set up with HTML properties. Also compatible with 'chosen' improved select boxes. | Go |
Label in Place | A simple fully customizable form enhancement plugin for in-field label support. | Go |
Responsive Pagination for Bootstrap 3 | rPage is an easy to use plugin for making Bootstrap 3's pagination more responsive. rPage automatically shrinks the pagination component and removes some of its elements when there isn't enough room. | Go |
jQuery Minicolors | Colorpicker that works nicely with Bootstrap 3 and without Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Growl | Turns standard Bootstrap alerts into "Growl-like" notifications | Go |
Bootstrap Tree View | A simple and elegant solution to displaying hierarchical tree structures (aka Tree View) while levering the best that Twitter Bootstrap has to offer. | Go |
GTreeTable | GTreeTable is an extension of Twitter Bootstrap 3, which allows to use tree structure inside HTML table. It is possible to indicate tree node position and execute CRUD operation on it. | Go |
Bootstrap Star Rating | A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap. Developed with a focus on utilizing pure CSS-3 styling to render the control. | Go |
Strength Meter | converts a password input into an advanced widget with strength validation meter and toggle mask to show/hide the password | Go |
Bootstrap File Input | Plugin that converts a simple file input into an advanced widget with file preview for images and text, multiple selection, and more. | Go |
Responsive Bootstrap Mega Menu | Now a days everyone wants to replace their normal style menu into MegaMenu. MegaMenu is the Latest design trend in our web design used by lots of popular eCommerce sites. Mega Menus allow you to see all the features available to the user at one shot and dont require users to drill down into further sub navigation as needed. Bootstrap Megamenu are common on e-commerce sites because they typically include a lot of categories of different products, and so megamenu can be always very useful for visitors & users. | Go |
Velocity.js | Incredibly fast JavaScript animation. | Go |
jQuery DataList | jQuery plug-in will add a slick "letter-based" navigation bar to all of your lists with the proper Bootstrap markup. | Go |
gridmanager.js | A way of building rows and grids with built in editable regions; requires jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap 3.x, & optional TinyMCE or CKEditor | Go |
Bootstrap Sidebar | A responsive sidebar plugin for bootstrap 3. if your menus are too big to fit into a horizontal menubar, or you need to have a responsive sidebar that is compatible with bootstrap, then this is the plugin for you. | Go |
Bootstrap Table | The table displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to radio, checkbox, sort, pagination and so on. The table has been designed to reduce development time and to require no specific knowledge from developers. It is both featherweight and feature-rich. | Go |
snabbt.js | Minimalistic animation library in javascript | Go |
Native Javascript for Bootstrap | If you are looking for Bootstrap without jQuery or vanilla Javascript for Bootstrap, this is the place to get started. | Go |
Bootstrap Dropdown Hover | A simple plugin which opens Bootstrap dropdown menus on mouse hover, the proper way. | Go |
Uncategorized Yet to be categorized
Title | Description | View |
Bootstrap Tours | Make step-by-step product tours with this plugin! | Go |
Grid displayer bookmarklet | In-browser web design made easier with this bookmarklet which displays the grid of Bootstrap. | Go |
Sublime Text 2 snippets | Twitter Bootstrap snippets for Sublime Text 2 | Go |
Bootstrap CDN | Content Delivery Network that specializes in serving just the Bootstrap CSS, JS and icons. | Go |
Unofficial Debian Package for Twitter Bootstrap | Actual package and repository to stay up to date on your Debian server | Go |
Bootstrap Nuget Packages | Bootstrap compiled ( and LESS source ( packages for the nuget package manager. | Go |
wicket-bootstrap | Twitter-Bootstrap components for the Apache Wicket framework | Go |
Django Admin Bootstrap theme | A plug&play Django app to Bootstrap your Admin interface | Go |
RTL Twitter Bootstrap | RTL Bootstrap is Right To Left Of Twitter Bootstrap For Persian, Arabic, Urdu and etc. | Go |
Twitter Bootstrap MVC | Development for ASP.NET MVC with Bootstrap made simple. | Go |
Tablestrap | A Bootstrap table generator | Tablestrap is a utility to create tables in a snap. Simpy define the rows and columns you need and whether you want, striped, condensed or bordered or even a mixture of the three and you'll be on your way to creating tables in no time. | Go |
Icon Search | Search different icon sets for relevant icons based on keywords. Supports bootstrap versions 2 and 3 as well as font awesome version 4 | Go |
Bootlint This Page - Chrome Extension | Run Bootlint in your web browser with a single click. This extension will add a button to your Google Chrome browser toolbar. When clicked it will automatically run Bootlint against the currently active tab and let you know if your site has any bootstrap markup errors. | Go |
Bootstrap Milestones | A shiny bootstrap plugin to create milestone lists, written with {less}. It displays events and actions in a clean and responsive way, in your story-based views. | Go |
Templates Ready to go Bootstrap templates
Title | View |
Best selling Themeforest templates | Go |
Themes for Bootstrap | Go |
WrapBootstrap | Go |
Flat UI template for Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrapmade | Go |
Bootstraptor free KIT Twitter Bootstrap templates | Go |
Bootstrap Fireworks Toolkit | Go |
How To Build and Customize Your Own Bootstrap Theme | Go |
Bootstrap Infographic | Go |
Bootplus | Go |
Bootstrap 3 Upgrader | Go | | Go |
CardeoStrap | Go | | Go |
Tablestrap | A Bootstrap table generator | Go |
BootstrapZero | Go |
Bootstrap 2 HTML to Bootstrap 3 converter | Go |
GetTemplate | Go |
Detailed blog post on integrating Bootstrap | Go |
Social Buttons for Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Style Guide Boilerplate | Go |
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 | Go |
Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder | Go |
Free Bootstrap Themes and Templates | Go |
GrayGrids | Go |
BootPress | Go |
Bootstrapious | Go |
Forms Form extensions, additions, validation, typeahead plugins, etc.
Title | View |
Bootstrap File upload button | Go |
Modern upload for Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Toggle Buttons | Go |
X-editable | Go |
Select Multiple Select | Go |
TinyMCE skin Bootstrap | Go |
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x | Go |
BIC calendar | Go |
Bootstrap styled file upload button | Go |
Markdown Editor | Go |
UserPie | Go |
Chosen | Go |
Bootstrap Toggle | Go |
Ladda UI spinner effect | Go |
Bootstrap toggle | Go |
Bootstrap TouchSpin | Go |
Bootstrap duallistbox | Go |
Validate - Form Validation for Bootstrap 2 & 3 | Go |
Bootstrap Color Picker Sliders | Go |
Bootstrap dynamic form | Go |
Bootstrap Star Rating | Go |
Bootstrap File Input | Go |
MagicSuggest | Go |
Titatiggle | Go |
Professional Bootstrap Iconic Buttons | Go |
Flat Alert Boxes | Go |
Popup MultiSelect | Go |
bootcomplete.js | Go |
Modal extensions Extending Modal plugins for Bootstrap, adding effects, compatibility, etc.
Javascript extensions Extending Bootstrap Upload functionality, pagination, tables, typeahead and other scriptable aspects of Bootstrap.
Title | View |
Colorpicker for Bootstrap | Go |
Date Range picker | Go |
Bootbox.js | Go |
Fuel UX | Go |
Modern upload for Bootstrap | Go |
BootPag | Go |
Tab drop for Bootstrap | Go |
Markdown Editor | Go |
Bootstrap Maxlength | Go |
Colorizers and UI improvements Need to make your Bootstrap color scheme pretty? These resources will help customize Bootstrap.
Title | View |
Bootstrap Button Builder | Go |
Make your Bootstrap pretty | Go |
Bootstrap Captcha | Go |
Bootstrap jQuery UI theme | Go |
Facebook page Bootstrap style | Go |
Google Plus style for Bootstrap | Go |
SelectBoxIt | Go |
Bootstrap File upload button | Go |
Bootswatch. Free themes for Bootstrap. | Go |
Boostrap Theme Roller | Go |
Bootstrap Toggle Buttons | Go |
BootTheme : Online Web Design Tool and Theme Generator for Twitter Bootstrap | Go |
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers | Go |
BootMetro | Go |
Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents Plugin | Go |
Flatstrap | Go |
Select2 | Go |
Kickstrap | Go |
Bootstrap magic | Go |
TinyMCE skin Bootstrap | Go |
bootstrap-select | Go |
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x | Go |
BIC calendar | Go |
Bootstrap Switch | Go |
LTR to RTL PHP script. | Go |
Bootstrap styled file upload button | Go |
Bootstro.js | Go |
Bootstrap Dropdown Menus Enhancement | Go |
Bootstrap Maxlength | Go |
bootstrap-wysiwyg | Go |
Social Buttons | Go |
1pxdeep | Go |
Chosen | Go |
Bootplus | Go |
Bootstrap Mega Menu | Go |
Ladda UI spinner effect | Go |
Bootstrap Icon Picker | Go |
Bootstrap toggle | Go |
Responsive Pagination for Bootstrap 3 | Go |
Hexagons | Go |
Bootstrap accessibility plugin | Go |
Image Gallery for bootstrap | Go |
Social buttons | Go |
Social Buttons for Bootstrap | Go |
Velocity.js | Go |
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 | Go |
Customize Bootstrap Theme | Go |
VegiThemes | Go |
Overlay Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Milestones | Go |
Bootstrap Live Customizer | Go |
Icon fonts Icon fonts are essential for screen resolution - independent web design, make sure you use them instead of standard Bootstrap icons.
Title | View |
Font Awesome | Go |
Fontello | Go |
Bootstrap Arrows | Go |
Ligature Symbols Icons | Go |
Font Custom | Go |
Elusive Icons | Go |
Icon Search | Go |
GlyphSearch | Go |
Bootstrap Stroke Icons | Go |
Free Bootstrap Themes and Templates | Go |
Title | View |
Divshot | Go |
Bootstrap Button Builder | Go |
Pingendo | Go |
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers | Go |
JetStrap | Go |
Bootstraptor free KIT Twitter Bootstrap templates | Go |
Photoshop template for Bootstrap v2.0 | Go |
Bootstrap Fireworks Toolkit | Go |
Bootply | Go |
Leapstrap | Go |
VCL.JS | Go |
Social Buttons for Bootstrap | Go |
gridmanager.js | Go |
Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 | Go |
Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder | Go |
BootPress | Go |
Modal extensions
Title | View |
Bootbox.js | Go |
Extended Bootstrap Modals | Go |
Bootstrap Lightbox | Go |
Bootstrap accessibility plugin | Go |
Image Gallery for bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Confirmation | Go |
Popup MultiSelect | Go |
Javascript Extensions
Title | View |
Colorpicker for Bootstrap | Go |
Pretty Tables | Go |
Date Range picker | Go |
Bootbox.js | Go |
Fuel UX | Go |
Context Menu for Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap File upload button | Go |
Modern upload for Bootstrap | Go |
BootPag | Go |
Bootstrap tags | Go |
Tocify - A jQuery Table of Contents Plugin | Go |
Bootstrap Form Helpers | Go |
Link Preview | Go |
Data Tables Twitter Bootstrap 2 | Go |
Tags Manager | Go |
Tags for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x | Go |
Knockout-bootstrap | Go |
Tab drop for Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Switch | Go |
Bootstro.js | Go |
Markdown Editor | Go |
Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete | Go |
Bootstrap Maxlength | Go |
Bootstrap Multi-Suggest Typeahead | Go |
Chosen | Go |
Bootstrap Multiselect | Go |
A mini js+css library for flipping things over. | Go |
bootstrap-colorpalette | Go |
bootstrap-checkbox | Go |
Tokenfield for Bootstrap | Go |
Summernote | Go |
Bootstrap Mega Menu | Go |
Leapstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Date Paginator | Go |
Flippant | Go |
Bootstrap Icon Picker | Go |
Yet another Bootstrap Megamenu | Go |
Validate - Form Validation for Bootstrap 2 & 3 | Go |
Label in Place | Go |
Responsive Pagination for Bootstrap 3 | Go |
jQuery Minicolors | Go |
Bootstrap Growl | Go |
Bootstrap Tree View | Go |
GTreeTable | Go |
Bootstrap Star Rating | Go |
Strength Meter | Go |
Bootstrap File Input | Go |
Responsive Bootstrap Mega Menu | Go |
Velocity.js | Go |
jQuery DataList | Go |
gridmanager.js | Go |
Bootstrap Sidebar | Go |
Bootstrap Table | Go |
snabbt.js | Go |
Native Javascript for Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Dropdown Hover | Go |
Uncategorized Yet to be categorized
Title | View |
Bootstrap Tours | Go |
Grid displayer bookmarklet | Go |
Sublime Text 2 snippets | Go |
Bootstrap CDN | Go |
Unofficial Debian Package for Twitter Bootstrap | Go |
Bootstrap Nuget Packages | Go |
wicket-bootstrap | Go |
Django Admin Bootstrap theme | Go |
RTL Twitter Bootstrap | Go |
Twitter Bootstrap MVC | Go |
Tablestrap | A Bootstrap table generator | Go |
Icon Search | Go |
Bootlint This Page - Chrome Extension | Go |
Bootstrap Milestones | Go |
Janeth Kent
Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.
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