200+ sites, apps & books for designer

by Janeth Kent Date: 10-09-2020 design books resources

Design is fundamental to any digital strategy. We are in a digital era where visual stimuli make the difference when the user makes a decision. It is necessary that when faced with a good idea there are creative elements that differentiate us from the competition and attract our audience in order to achieve the objectives set. And for that it is necessary that you have the best design tools.

It is important that your brand has its own design that identifies it and that everything that is published has a characteristic visual form so that the brand can be recognized at first sight. This will be achieved with the design of a logo, with the corporate colors and taking care of the design of the contents that are published in the name of the brand.

Next we will show you a compilation of design tools that will help you in your digital marketing strategy whether you have knowledge in this discipline or not.

Dan Edwards has written this awesome guide for any designer looking for resources for their web projects.

Thank you Dan!



Unsplash — www.unsplash.com

Picjumbo — www.picjumbo.com

Gratisography — www.gratisography.com

Superfamous — www.superfamous.com

Little Visuals — www.littlevisuals.co

Split Shire — www.splitshire.com

Pixabay — www.pixabay.com

New Old Stock — www.nos.twnsnd.co

Paul Jarvis Free Photos — http://pjrvs.com/a/photos

Zoomy Images — http://zoomyimages.com/


Dollar Photo Club — http://www.dollarphotoclub.com

Compfight — www.compfight.com

Stocksy — www.stocksy.com

Placeit Product Shots — www.placeit.net

iStockphoto — http://istockphoto.com

offset — http://www.offset.com

Corbis — http://www.corbisimages.com

Facebox — http://facebox.io


Okay Type — www.okaytype.com

Typekit — www.typekit.com

My Fonts — www.myfonts.com

Fonts — www.fonts.com

Font Squirrel — www.fontsquirrel.com

Da Font — www.dafont.com

Google Fonts — www.google.com/fonts

1001 Free Fonts — www.1001freefonts.com

Lost Type Co-op — www.losttype.com

Ico Moon — www.icomoon.io

Font-To-Width — http://font-to-width.com/

Mockup Tools

InVision — www.invisionapp.com

Mockupr — www.mockupr.com

Flinto — www.flinto.com

Flinto Icon Strike! — www.flinto.com/strike

Webflow — www.webflow.com

Mockuuups — www.mockuuups.com

Red Pen — https://redpen.io


Moqups — www.moqups.com

Wireframe.cc — ww.wireframe.cc

Mockflow — www.mockflow.com

Mockingbird — www.gomockingbird.com

Balsamiq — http://balsamiq.com/products/mockups/

Axure — http://www.axure.com/

Justinmind — http://www.justinmind.com/

UX Pin — http://uxpin.com


Flinto — www.flinto.com

Marvel — https://marvelapp.com

Webflow — https://webflow.com

Red Pen — https://redpen.io

Proto — http://proto.io

Invision — http://www.invisionapp.com

Macaw — http://macaw.co/

Froont — http://froont.com


Responsive.is — http://responsive.is/typecast.com

Gridpak — www.gridpak.com

Responsive Nav — www.responsive-nav.com

Off Screen Navigation — http://tympanus.net/Development/MultiLevelPushMenu/

Responsive Web Design Test — www.designmodo.com/responsive-test/

Media Queries — www.mediaqueri.es

Foundation by Zurb — www.foundation.zurb.com

Jetstrap — www.jetstrap.com

Webflow — www.webflow.com

Gridset — www.gridsetapp.com

BrowserStack — www.browserstack.com

Sidebar Transitions — http://tympanus.net/Development/SidebarTransitions/

Dimensions (Chrome Extension) — https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dimensions/hdmihohhdcbejdkidbfijmfehjbnmifk?hl=en

Responsive Grid System — http://responsive.gs/


0 to 255 — www.0to255.com

Colour Lovers — www.colourlovers.com

Brand Colors — www.brandcolors.net

Adobe Kuler Color Wheel — https://kuler.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/

Color Scheme Designer — www.colorschemedesigner.com

Hex to RGB Converter — http://hex.colorrrs.com

Coleure — http://coleure.com/

Colllor — http://colllor.com/

Palette for Chrome — https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/palette-for-chrome/oolpphfmdmjbojolagcbgdemojhcnlod


Animate.css — www.daneden.me/animate

CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheat — http://www.justinaguilar.com/animations/index.html

Can I Use? — www.caniuse.com

Animation Fill Code — www.animationfillcode.com

Pure — http://purecss.io/

The Magic of CSS — http://adamschwartz.co/magic-of-css/


HTML5 Please — www.html5please.com

Can I Use? — www.caniuse.com

JavaScript / jQuery

Unheap — http://www.unheap.com

FitText — http://fittextjs.com

Touche.js — http://benhowdle.im/touche/

Cortado.js — http://benhowdle.im/cortado/

FlickFeed — http://benhowdle.im/flickfeed/

Heisenburg.js — http://heisenbergjs.github.io/heisenberg/

Pickadate.js — http://amsul.ca/pickadate.js/

Lettering.js — http://letteringjs.com/

Freetile — http://yconst.com/web/freetile/

Backstretch — http://srobbin.com/jquery-plugins/backstretch/

Hook — http://usehook.com

Echo JS — http://www.echojs.com/

Up to date — http://uptodate.frontendrescue.org/

JS Fiddle — http://jsfiddle.net/

Free Photoshop Files

Fribbble — www.fribbble.com

Premium Pixels — www.premiumpixels.com

Teehan+Lax iOS 7 Gui PSD (iPhone)— www.teehanlax.com/tools/iphone

Teehan+Lax iOS 7 Gui PSD (iPad) — www.teehanlax.com/tools/ipad/

iPhone Mockuuups — www.mockuuups.com

Freebiesbug — http://freebiesbug.com/

Marvel — https://marvelapp.com/resources/

Ui Space — http://uispace.net

DB Freebies — http://dbfreebies.co

365 PSD — http://365psd.com/

Pixel Buddha — http://pixelbuddha.net/

Pixels Daily — http://pixelsdaily.com/


Other Icons — www.othericons.com

Icon Sweets — www.iconsweets.com

Ico Moon — www.icomoon.io

Flat Icon — http://www.flaticon.com

The Noun Project — http://thenounproject.com

Perfect Icons — http://perfecticons.com/

Image Compression

Tiny Png — www.tinypng.com

JPEGmini — www.jpegmini.com

ImageOptim — www.imageoptim.com

Photoshop Tools

Mac Rabbit Slicy — www.macrabbit.com/slicy/

Renamy — www.renamy.com

Blendme.in — www.blendme.in

Invoicing / Accountancy

Freeagent — www.freeagent.com

Freshbooks — www.freshbooks.com

Xero — http://www.xero.com/

Crunch — http://www.crunch.co.uk

Slimvoice — http://slimvoice.co/


Andrew Clarke’s Contract Killer — www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk/projects/contract-killer/

Proper App — www.properapp.com

iubenda — www.iubenda.com


Siteinspire — www.siteinspire.com

Land Book — www.land-book.com

Awwwards — www.awwwards.com

The Best Designs — www.thebestdesigns.com

Dribbble — www.dribbble.com

Behance — www.behance.com

Niice — http://niice.co

One Page Love — http://onepagelove.com/


Propagated Yet? www.propagatedyet.com

Instant Domain Search — www.instantdomainsearch.com

Domainr — https://domai.nr/

Job Boards

Dribbble Jobs — www.dribbble.com/jobs

Authentic Jobs — www.authenticjobs.com

Onsite — www.onsite.io


Mapbox — www.mapbox.com

Leaflet — www.leafletjs.com

Online Classes

Treehouse — www.teamtreehouse.com

Lynda — www.lynda.com

Codeacademy —www.codecademy.com

Code School — www.codeschool.com

Udacity — www.udacity.com

Code.org — http://code.org/

WebPlatform — http://www.webplatform.org/


The Freelance Web — www.thefreelanceweb.com

Unfinished Business — www.unfinished.bz

Happy Monday — www.happymondaypodcast.com

Boagworld — www.boagworld.com/show/

Shop Talk Show — www.shoptalkshow.com

The Back to Front Show — www.backtofrontshow.com

The Big Web Show — www.zeldman.com/category/the-big-web-show/

Upfront Podcast — www.upfrontpodcast.com

Iterate — http://www.imore.com/iterate


Designers Talk — http://www.designerstalk.com/forums/

Quora — https://www.quora.com/

Stack Exchange — http://stackexchange.com/sites

Reddit /Design — http://www.reddit.com/r/Design/

Reddit /Web Design — http://www.reddit.com/r/web_design


Medium — www.medium.com

Svbtle — https://svbtle.com/

Ghost — https://ghost.org/

WordPress — www.wordpress.com / www.wordpress.org

Squarespace — http://squarespace.com


Speaking.io — www.speaking.io

Mark Boulton’s Tips — www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/speakingtips

Public speaking for the (formerly) terrified by Rachel Andrew — www.rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2012/05/02/public-speaking-for-the-formerly-terrified/

10 Kick ass presentation techniques (Treehouse) — http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/10-kick-ass-presentation-techniques

You’re paying to speak by Remy Sharp — http://remysharp.com/2014/03/07/youre-paying-to-speak/

Payment Solutions / Gateways

Stripe — www.stripe.com

GoCardless — www.gocardless.com

Just Handy

Copy Paste Character — www.copypastecharacter.com

JustDelete.me — www.justdelete.me

What’s my UDID? — www.whatsmyudid.com

Shapecatcher — www.shapecatcher.com

UI Names — http://uinames.com/

UI Faces — http://uifaces.com/

LayerVault — https://layervault.com

PlaceIMG — http://placeimg.com/

lorempixel — http://lorempixel.com/

Facebox — http://facebox.io


Grid Systems in Graphic Design — http://amzn.to/1aNQC8B

HTML & CSS: Design and Build Web Sites — http://amzn.to/1biuvJi

How to be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul — http://amzn.to/1eooTjo

A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web — http://www.fivesimplesteps.com/products/a-practical-guide-to-designing-for-the-web

Hardboiled Web Design — https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/hardboiled-web-design.html

Designing for the web (Free) — http://designingfortheweb.co.uk/

Smashing Book #4 — https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/smashing-book-4-new-perspectives-on-web-design.html

The Geometry of Type — http://amzn.to/1ekRiSV

Insites: The Book — http://viewportindustries.com/insites-the-book

Don’t Make Me Think — http://amzn.to/1ekRul6

Above the Fold — http://amzn.to/1cLAIdv

Design is a Job — www.abookapart.com/products/design-is-a-job

Thinking with Type, Second Revised and Expanded Edition: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, and Students — http://amzn.to/1ixVKOc

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information — http://amzn.to/1n8vezb


by Janeth Kent Date: 10-09-2020 design books resources hits : 25675  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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