Cx - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

14 results for: cx

How to improve customer experience through speech recognition

Voice of the Customer (VoC) is essential to a successful customer experience (CX) programme. However, VoC data is often disparate, making it difficult to use. Service organisations looking to make more informed decisions about customer experience (CX) investments and improvements should implement a consistent voice of the user (VoC) strategy,…

Category : Technology   27-04-2021   by Janeth Kent

Introduction to REGEX - Regular Expression

Today we are going to write about Regular Expressions known as regex or shortened  regexp, a very useful concept of using search patterns. Surely you were in a situation when you need to replace some word for another or character for some else. This and more you can handle with Regular…

Category : Programming   23-10-2020   by

Google Dorks: How to find interesting data and search like hacker

Go the words Google and Hacking together? Well if you thought that we will learn how to use hack Google, you might be wrong. But we can Use Google search engine to find interesting data accidentally exposed to the Internet. Such a simple search bar has the potential to help you also…

Category : Security   03-12-2021   by

A collection of interesting networks and technology aiming at re-decentralizing the Internet

The decentralised web, or DWeb, could be a chance to take control of our data back from the big tech firms. So how does it work? Take a look at this collection of projects aimed to build a decentralized internet. Cloud BitDust - is decentralized, secure and anonymous on-line storage, where only…

Category : Networking   27-08-2020   by Janeth Kent

Easy Face and hand tracking browser detection with TensorFlow.js AI and MediaPipe

In March the TensorFlow team has released two new packages: facemesh and handpose for tracking key landmarks on faces and hands respectively. This release has been a collaborative effort between the MediaPipe and TensorFlow.js teams within Google Research. The facemesh package finds facial boundaries and landmarks within an image, and handpose…

Category : Programming   09-04-2020   by Luigi Nori

How to make SVG images code responsive

For an image format that features infinite scalability, SVG can be a surprisingly difficult format to make responsive: vector images do not adjust themselves to the size of the viewport by default.   Make A Responsive SVG Image   As an image, you can make a SVG vector illustration scale with the page content…

Category : Web design   28-10-2021   by Janeth Kent

8 Social Tools to interact with Customers and improve CX

8 Social Tools to interact with Customers and improve CX

Customer experience is measured by the individual’s experience during all points of contact against the individual’s expectations. Over the past century, countless inventions and advancements have inadvertently raised the bar of customer experience. Communication mediums have improved, resulting in elevated expectations of more hands-on, faster, and localized customer service.  Customers now have…

Category : Social networks   22-07-2016   by Janeth Kent

The definitive list of analytics and metrics tools

The definitive list of analytics and metrics tools

Lately I had a little problem with Google Analytics. Live results wasn't counting perfectly the number of live users online. Obviously, I am a little disappointed about it, and basically, the amount of time to research a solution or alternative would make the original content stale. Now, i want to…

Category : Software   22-07-2013   by Janeth Kent

Don't become a victim of identity theft

Don't become a victim of identity theft

Identity theft has always been a concern, but with more and more details of our private lives openly accessible on the Internet, it's easier than ever for cybercriminals to steal somebody's identity — which is worth $5,000. Criminals are also getting more sophisticated and tech savvy, but sometimes, we do most…

Category : Security   15-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

What Is Facebook EdgeRank and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Facebook EdgeRank and Why Does It Matter?

The average Facebook user spends more than a quarter of his or her time on the site scrolling through the News Feed. For users, that means a lot of baby pictures and stale memes. For brands, it represents an opportunity. See, Facebook brand pages don't attract consumers — far from it. Virtually every fan…

Category : Web marketing   08-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

Summer 2013: Upcoming Social Media & Tech Events

Summer 2013: Upcoming Social Media & Tech Events

It's Monday, which means it's time for Ma-No’s guide to upcoming social media and web events, parties and conferences. For more upcoming event listings, check out the list:  May 01 Email Insider Summit   Three days of cutting-edge content and a world-class island resort await you at MediaPost's incomparable Email Inside... more May 06 Event Marketing…

Category : Web marketing   29-04-2013   by Janeth Kent

Google Drive can now automatically sync all your Docs, Sheets, and Slides so you can access any file offline

Google Drive can now automatically sync all your Docs, Sheets, and Slides so you can access any file offline

Less than three hours after the last Google Drive update, Google has announced a very useful feature: automatic syncing of all your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. You can now also create and edit drawings offline. The two features are rolling out over the next “few days” so you should see them…

Category : Software   25-04-2013   by Janeth Kent

100+ Best Google Chrome Extensions

100+ Best Google Chrome Extensions

There are a lot of extensions specific to Google and its services, which isn't surprising considering Chrome is Google's browser. They work across operating systems. Best of all, every extension mentioned here is entirely free, so there's no harm in giving them a try. If you don't like one, just…

Category : Software   16-04-2013   by Janeth Kent

Reset Linux root password without knowing the password

So there it goes - Linux is a secure OS. No, really it is. Despite the title of this post, Linux is actually a secure system. Before we proceed to the main topic, let us consider a few points: Linux is flexible to a very large extent. Linux's administrator account is called…

Category : Operating systems   30-04-2021   by Janeth Kent

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