Here we will show how to set your system's hostname and fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Your hostname should be something unique. Some people name their servers after planets, philosophers, or animals. Note that the system's hostname has no relationship to websites or email services hosted on it, aside from providing a name for the system itself. Your hostname should not be "www" or anything too generic.
CentOS / Fedora
Enter the following commands to set the hostname, replacing myservername with the hostname of your choice:
echo "HOSTNAME=myservername" >> /etc/sysconfig/network hostname "myservername"
Enter the following commands to set the hostname, replacing myservername with the hostname of your choice:
echo "myservername" > /etc/HOSTNAME hostname -F /etc/HOSTNAME
Enter the following commands to set the hostname, replacing myservername with the hostname of your choice:
echo "HOSTNAME=\"myservername\"" > /etc/conf.d/hostname /etc/init.d/hostname restart
Arch Linux
Edit your /etc/rc.conf to configure the hostname for your system. Be sure to replace myservername with the hostname of your choice:
File excerpt:/etc/rc.conf
Issue the following command to set the hostname, replacing myservername with the hostname of your choice:
hostname myservername
Update /etc/hosts
Next, edit your /etc/hosts file to resemble the following example, replacing myservername with your chosen hostname, example.com with your system's domain name, and with your system's IP address. As with the hostname, the domain name part of your FQDN does not necesarily need to have any relationship to websites or other services hosted on the server (although it may if you wish). As an example, you might host "www.something.com" on your server, but the system's FQDN might be "mars.somethingelse.com."
File:/etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost myservername.example.com myservername
If you have IPv6 enabled on your Linode, you will also want to add an entry for your IPv6 address, as shown in this example:
File:/etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost myservername.example.com myservername 2600:3c01::a123:b456:c789:d012 myservername.example.com myservername
The value you assign as your system's FQDN should have an "A" record in DNS pointing to your Linode's IPv4 address. For Linodes with IPv6 enabled, you should also set up a "AAAA" record in DNS pointing to your Linode's IPv6 address.

Janeth Kent
Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.
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