What is a Full Stack Developer?

All about this unicorn type of developer and why if you are not , you do NOT have to brag it on your CV

by Janeth Kent Date: 06-08-2021 news fullstack

The demand for the Full Stack Developer is growing exponentially in recent years.

Disruptive technology companies and startups are increasingly requesting this type of multipurpose profile that knows multiple programming languages and can assume all kinds of functions within the company.

Throughout this article we will tell you what a full stack developer is and what are the mandatory skills for this type of technical profile.

What is a Full Stack Developer?

A full stack developer is a computer programmer who possesses certain knowledge and has certain skills that forge a complete programming profile.

The full stack developer knows well all the necessary aspects of both front-end and back-end.

The full stack developer is a complete professional, with the capacity to develop and program technological projects practically in their entirety.

They are usually profiles that meet certain characteristics:

  1. Technical knowledge of front-end and back-end, as well as the components that link them.
  2. Great experience, they are usually senior profiles with practice in different sectors.
  3. Ability to empathize with the client or end consumer to adapt their work to the project.
  4. Knows how servers and networks work, as well as API's and user interface design (UI/UX).
  5. Profile with responsibility, capable of being the main responsible of a project.

In short, a full-stack developer is a programmer with a very complete profile increasingly demanded by companies, which when choosing a technical profile decide for someone with both front-end and back-end domain.

Knowledge of the Full Stack Developer


The Full Stack Web Developer must have a series of technical knowledge and programming languages:

  1. HTML5 and CSS3: Basic for the configuration of the visual part and styles of web content. Always bearing in mind that more and more we have to think about multi-device and programming must fit well in destkop and mobile.
  2. JavaScript: Basic programming language in any web page, both for front-end and back-end. Undoubtedly, totally basic for the web developer, along with its tools, frameworks and libraries that enhance and complement it.
  3. Back-end languages: The full stack developer must know how to configure database operations, user records and all kinds of functions that can be configured in all types of projects. Proficiency with server-side languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, and .Net.
  4. Storage and databases: Knowledge about NoSQL databases and other databases like MySQL, Oracle, and MongoDB or in-memory storages, transcendental to connect data to the back-end of the project.
  5. Web architecture: Experience in web architecture, ability to structure the code in a way that is easy to maintain and can be scalable or in a way that the code can be reused. Transcendental for this technical profile to know how to organize and store the files, as well as structure the data for the correct functioning of the web.
  6. Git: The Full Stack programmer must know how to work with Git, a version control software that provides the programmer with better organization, optimizes productivity and provides security to his work.


Full Stack Developer Responsibilities:

  • Developing front end website architecture.
  • Developing back end architecture and website applications.
  • Designing user interactions on web pages.
  • Creating servers and databases for functionality.
  • Ensuring cross-platform optimization for mobile phones.
  • Ensuring responsiveness of applications.
  • Working alongside graphic designers for web design features.
  • Seeing through a project from conception to finished product.
  • Designing and developing APIs.
  • Meeting both technical and consumer needs.
  • Staying abreast of developments in web applications and programming languages.


In short, the full stack developer is a very suitable profile to fill positions in large companies that are looking for highly qualified profiles, able to understand and handle large-scale projects with ease.

On the other hand, small companies and technology startups are also looking for profiles like the full stack developer. They are very complete professionals who can meet different needs and lead complex projects.


Technology photo created by pressfoto - www.freepik.com
by Janeth Kent Date: 06-08-2021 news fullstack hits : 4871  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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