As Javascript remains the most popular and widely used programming language in 2018, so grows the ecosystem around it.
JavaScript has gained immense popularity over the span of a few years. Developers preferred it over other languages because it allows them to design and modify web pages in various ways and even add different features and functions to web apps.
Advancing technologies are pushing people from technical fields to enhance their skillset to be more creative in JavaScript.
Every year new different projects appeared with their own features, but now we can roughly agreeing that Angular, React or Vue.js are the pioneers in this world.
While there are an endless number of resources out there, we think these 14 JavaScript libraries and frameworks are sure to take your site to the next level. Enjoy and learn!
- React
- Redux
- Redux-Saga to manage async I/O and isolate side-effects
- Next.js — SSR with Node & Express, automatic bundle splitting, styled-jsx
- Material UI
- Storybook
- Cheerio for unit testing React components
- Lodash Import just the utilities you need to avoid blowing up your bundle size.
- Babel: Used to compile ES6 to work on older browsers.
- Webpack: The most popular bundler for standard JavaScript look for simple starter kit/boilerplate config examples to get things running fast)
- ESLint: Catch syntax errors and style issues early. After code review and TDD, the third best thing you can do to reduce bugs in your code.
- Ramda— mostly for lenses and transducers.
- Node & Express
- RxJS: Observables for JavaScript.
Tech to check out in 2018:
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
- Blockchain & fintech
- Medical technology
- AR/VR — Hololens, Meta, and ODG are shipping today. ODG R-9 was scheduled to ship in 2017 but will likely ship in 2018 instead. MagicLeap has promised to ship in 2018. AR will transform the human experience more than the cell phone did.
- 3D printing
- AI
- Drones
Quantum computing is also ready to transform the world, but we don't know how and when the disruption really starts. There are some quantum computers online, but they can’t do much yet. It’s still too early for most developers to even begin to experiment productively. Microsoft recently announced its Q# programming language for quantum computing. Meanwhile, IBM and Google also continue to invest heavily to own the embryonic cloud quantum computing market.
If you want to learn quantum computing, you should study linear algebra O-0...
There are also functional explorations of quantum computing based on lambda calculus.
Do you dare to study Quantum computing ?

Janeth Kent
Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.
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