Redux - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

13 results for: redux

What are React Hooks and what problems they solve

Working with React, - and before the release of Hooks in version 16.8 -  there was always the possibility to create components in three different ways based on a number of suspects and needs: 1. Elementary components - These components are the simplest ones, they are characterized by being mere variables that…

Category : Javascript   13-05-2021   by Janeth Kent

How to Generate Static Sites with JavaScript Static Sites Generators

Static websites and so-called JAMstack have become pretty popular recently. And with 2020 on the horizon, this trend doesn't seem to be stopping. Why? Why is old-school HTML + CSS + JS  trio in its redesigned and renamed form gaining so much attention? In this article, we'll explore what the…

Category : Javascript   13-12-2019   by Luigi Nori

Angular vs React vs Vue: Which is the Best Choice?

With the growing popularity of Vue, Angular and React as frameworks and libraries for the web and app development, a constant doubt is which of these 3 we should learn, in which we should invest our time, which has a greater future or simply which is the best. First I want…

Category : Javascript   11-06-2020   by Silvia Mazzetta

React: 4 types of components to rule them all

If you have already worked with React, you will probably have found terms like "dumb components", "stateless components" or "high order components" which serve to describe different ways of defining and creating components in an application. The aim of this article is to explain the different types of components we can…

Category : Javascript   20-08-2019   by Janeth Kent

Javascript Arrays - Immutable functions

In these years, we have been playing with React, which has allowed us to deeply explore Javascript and concepts such as functional programming. This has led us to study concepts such as pure functions and immutability (both primary basis for libraries like Redux) and try to put them into practice whenever…

Category : Javascript   09-08-2019   by Janeth Kent

Which Javascript frameworks will rule in 2019?

Which Javascript frameworks will rule in 2019?

In this article, we will review and analyze the 2018 State of JavaScript report to later focus attention on frameworks that will be at the center of attention in 2019. Let's take some time to look at the amazing journey of JavaScript, reflected in the use of more than 20,000 developers…

Category : Javascript   19-02-2019   by Janeth Kent

Best 5 Frontend Development Topics in 2019

Best 5 Frontend Development Topics in 2019

Ah, a new year. A time of positivity, a time to restart. For new objectives and proposals. And in the world of developers, to look at the scenery and decide what we need to learn to keep up. Because let's face it-web development is always changing, and we're falling behind…

Category : Programming   18-02-2019   by Janeth Kent

A roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2019

There are plenty of tutorials online, which won't cost you a cent. If you are sufficiently self-driven and interested, you have no difficulty training yourself. The point to learn coding I think is to read a lot of code of other developers, then typing code and testing to see what…

Category : Programming   30-05-2019   by Janeth Kent

Best Javascript front-end hacking cheatsheets

Best Javascript front-end hacking cheatsheets

JavaScript has a extremely high potential to build cutting-edge web applications. But it's really hard to memorize it by heart. The JavaScript cheat sheets therefore act perfectly as a reminder and a comprehensive reference for developers. All popular and special purpose cheat sheets have been discussed above. You now have…

Category : Javascript   06-05-2020   by Janeth Kent

Superior React-Native Courses for Mobile Application Developers

If you are a web developer who wants to cross the massive world of mobile app development, but does not want to spend time learning Java or Kotlin for Android development, or Objective C or Swift for iOS development, then React Native could be a great tool for you. The React…

Category : Programming   24-11-2019   by Janeth Kent

Stunning React Boilerplates and Starter Kits for 2019

Stunning React Boilerplates and Starter Kits for 2019

As React progresses and helps us build and compose the UI of our applications, more React applications are created every day. In the past few years, the community has indeed created multiple projects to help you save time and kick-start these apps. But it's not always as simple as it seems to…

Category : Javascript   10-02-2019   by Janeth Kent

Best Node Js Resources, Courses and Tutorials.

NodeJS is a platform that enables developers to write high-performance and networked applications server side. And using good old Javascript as well. Why should you study NodeJS? To begin with, it never hurts to learn something new. But most importantly, it's great to learn NodeJS. With a focus on modern JavaScript and real-world application,…

Category : Javascript   10-05-2020   by Janeth Kent

Top JavaScript Libraries in 2018

Top JavaScript Libraries in 2018

As Javascript remains the most popular and widely used programming language in 2018, so grows the ecosystem around it. JavaScript has gained immense popularity over the span of a few years. Developers preferred it over other languages because it allows them to design and modify web pages in various ways and…

Category : Javascript   23-08-2018   by Janeth Kent

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