Superior React-Native Courses for Mobile Application Developers

by Janeth Kent Date: 24-11-2019 javascript react courses guide

If you are a web developer who wants to cross the massive world of mobile app development, but does not want to spend time learning Java or Kotlin for Android development, or Objective C or Swift for iOS development, then React Native could be a great tool for you.

The React Native is an extension of React,a popular JavaScript framework for the development of webapplications that allows you to create native JavaScript Androida nd iOS applications

With the exception of Ionic and Cordova, which promote writing once everywhere but does not offer you the ability to create a native app, React Native converts your code into native code, especially for GUI.

This means that you can develop a native application for Android and iOS in JavaScript instead of running your application in a web browser or WebView, such as ionic and Cordova.

This is an obvious advantage for any JavaScript developer who wants to write his mobile application. React Native becomes increasingly popular with Redux and becomes a valuable skill for your curriculum vitae if you are looking for a job in the development of mobile apps.

React Native offers an excellent solution to develop mobile apps for a fraction of the time it takes to create an equivalent iOS or Swift app.

Let's begin with some of the best courses to learn React Native and start using JavaScript to develop native mobile apps.

1. The Complete React Native and Redux Course

This is one of the best courses for learning React Native and Redux. It will get you up and running quickly with React Native and teach you the core knowledge you need to understand and build React components for mobile devices.

The course begins by explaining the basics of React, including JSX, props, state and event handling, so you can start with React Native even if you are not familiar with the reacting framework.

2. React Native: Advanced Concepts

This is just another React Native course by the same author, Stephen Grider, who shows you how to master React Native's advanced topics, including animations, maps, notifications, navigation and more.

What you will learn:

  • Make compelling applications using expert-level features of React Native
  • Create amazingly smooth and performant animations
  • Build new React Native apps with Expo
  • Understand the latest Navigation options for new React Native apps
  • Add logic to your Firebase backend with Google Cloud Functions
  • Update your users with cross platform Push Notifications
  • Handle your users going offline with Redux Persist

3. React Native — The Practical Guide

You'll learn all about the theory behind React Native, its core concepts, how to build responsive designs that work on different device sizes, how to animate React Native apps, how to navigate around, use maps and the camera and so much more!

And which better way to learn than by building a real app? We'll build the "Awesome Places" app in this course, an app where users can share amazing pictures and the location where they took them. This app will allow you to see things like using maps, the camera, user authentication, connecting to a server and much more in action.

By the end of the course, we'll of course also go through all steps required to get it into an app store.

Here's a detailed look at what you'll get:

  • The core concepts and theory
  • How to use React, JavaScript and native components
  • Understand how to navigate in React Native apps
  • A closer look at styling and animating React Native apps
  • Instructions on how to use third-party libraries in your React Native app
  • Detailed examples on how to use maps or an image picker
  • A full user authentication flow
  • How to connect to a backend server from your app
  • Debugging instructions
  • And so much more!

4. Create Your First React Native App

Interested in learning React Native but don’t want to spend the hours and hours searching for answers to errors you’ve never seen before, hunting down the right packages, frustratingly asking yourself why you can’t figure something so seemingly simple out, and becoming best friends with user90210 on StackOverflow?

This course is designed to get you up and running with React Native as quickly as possibly while introducing you to the most critical pieces of React Native development. It’s not the end-all-be-all - it’s designed to get you started fast while building a firm foundation.

The course covers:

  • Scrolling lists

  • Designing and creating reusable components

  • Project organization

  • Navigation

  • Core APIs

  • Installing third party packages

  • And more…

(both iOS and Android)

5. Build an app in less than 1 hour using React Native

In this course we'll be using diagrams and flowcharts throughout our course to pictorially explain what is happening at each step and how this fits into the bigger picture of React Native, we leave no stone unturned when going over core theories of this popular and fast framework.

Learn React's popular JSX markup language, combining HTML and Javascript and get quickly trained on breaking down large applications into much smaller component based solutions that you can re-use throughout your code.

Understand how 'props' and 'state' work, more importantly understand what the exactly are, what they do and why they are necessary.

Learn how to easily manage your data using State and build complex applications, and become that entrepreneur who knows how to curate your tech team, or address your consultancy.

We learn about Redux middleware, nothing is explained using jargon and everything is taught in a relatable and simple terms, making it extremely easy to grasp all these new concepts.

by Janeth Kent Date: 24-11-2019 javascript react courses guide hits : 6264  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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