Mastering Modern JavaScript: Embracing Growth, Overcoming Challenges, and Building Strong Foundations
Let's take a moment to discuss your relationship with JavaScript before delving into technical aspects.
If you're anything like me, you've been working with HTML for a long time, occasionally using JavaScript in a basic manner to add interactivity to web pages. Perhaps you ventured into building complex websites by learning languages like PHP, Ruby, or Java for backend development.
However, JavaScript always caught your attention. With the introduction of jQuery, Prototype, and similar frameworks, JavaScript became more advanced, surpassing its reputation as a simple tool for window opening. While having jQuery at your disposal was convenient for enhancing websites, you were essentially a JavaScript user rather than a JavaScript developer.
Then came Node.js.
JavaScript on the server side? How cool is that?
You realized it was time to revisit JavaScript, but this time with a fresh perspective. Writing applications for Node.js is one thing, but understanding why they are structured the way they are requires a deep understanding of JavaScript.
And I mean really understanding it this time.
JavaScript leads multiple lives: the early days of being a quirky DHTML helper, its role in frontend frameworks like jQuery, and now its foray into server-side development. Consequently, finding the right resources to learn JavaScript and write Node.js applications the right way isn't always easy. As an experienced developer, you don't want to learn a new technique by simply imitating or misusing it. You seek a comprehensive approach.
Similarly, when you embark on learning modern JavaScript, it's highly probable that the solution to your problem is already being worked on. In fact, the package you're using may have only one recently merged code review that resolves the issue.
When working with an older language like PHP, a quick Google search often leads you to a Stack Overflow answer or thorough documentation discussion from five years ago that solves your problem. However, with JavaScript, you may find yourself browsing through GitHub comments, significant issues, and source code, only to encounter conflicting information that contradicts outdated documentation.
Learning JavaScript in 2017 had another challenge: it could take as long as building the application itself. The sheer number and variety of tools, plugins, packages, dependencies, and required editor setups and configurations could overwhelm you before you even start.
I personally had to let go of the idea of doing things the "proper" way from the beginning. Instead, I allowed myself to experiment with amateur setups to become comfortable with individual tools. As I discovered better approaches, I gradually incorporated them into each new project.
In this regard, there is still much work to be done in the JavaScript world.
When learning a new language, you write code, make mistakes, and learn from them. My journey through modern JavaScript education involved following tutorials, working on small solvable projects, compiling lists of issues and questions, seeking input from colleagues, and repeating the process with larger projects, more questions, and further discussions.
The most important lesson I learned throughout this experience was that doing is learning. Even if you struggle initially, it's still part of the learning process.
Learning modern JavaScript can sometimes feel like an overwhelming workout for your brain. If you ever feel discouraged, take note of the advice from Google's Addy Osmani:
"I encourage folks to adopt this approach to keeping up with the JavaScript ecosystem: first do it, then do it right, then do it better. [...]"
Mastering the fundamentals of any new topic requires time, experimentation, and skill. Beginners shouldn't feel like failures for not immediately jumping onto the latest libraries or reactive patterns of the week. It took me weeks to grasp Babel and React, and even longer to understand Isomorphic JS, WebPack, and all the surrounding libraries. Start with simplicity and build upon that foundation.
The journey of learning modern JavaScript can sometimes feel like a never-ending pursuit of WTF moments. But in those moments, it's important to remember that you are still making progress. As you stumble through challenges and search for solutions, it's all part of the learning process.
If you ever find yourself overwhelmed, remember that it's okay to take things step by step. The JavaScript ecosystem is constantly evolving, with new libraries, frameworks, and patterns emerging regularly. It's impossible to learn everything at once. Instead, focus on understanding the core concepts and building a strong foundation.
Start by immersing yourself in tutorials and practical exercises. Get your hands dirty and write code. Embrace small projects that allow you to explore different aspects of JavaScript and solve specific problems. Along the way, compile a list of questions and challenges you encounter. Seek guidance from experienced colleagues or online communities to gain insights and explanations.
As you progress, don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's through these mistakes that you truly learn and grow. Take the time to reflect on your code, identify areas for improvement, and iterate on your solutions. Strive for clarity, readability, and maintainability in your codebase.
While it's tempting to chase after the latest trends and popular libraries, remember that they are just tools. It's essential to understand the underlying principles and concepts behind them. Prioritize learning the "why" rather than blindly following the "what." This will enable you to adapt and embrace new tools and frameworks as they emerge without feeling overwhelmed or lost.
Be patient with yourself. Mastery of any subject takes time. JavaScript is a powerful and versatile language, but it requires dedication and practice to truly harness its potential. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and keep pushing yourself to learn and improve.
In conclusion, learning modern JavaScript is an ongoing journey. It requires a mindset of continuous growth, experimentation, and adaptation. Embrace the process of doing, learning from mistakes, and gradually refining your skills. Start with the fundamentals, build a solid foundation, and then expand your knowledge as you gain confidence. Remember, it's not about reaching perfection overnight; it's about progressing towards mastery one step at a time.