6 JavaScript Utility Libraries you Should Know in 2019

6 JavaScript Utility Libraries you Should Know in 2019
by Janeth Kent Date: 18-01-2019 javascript node react jQuery libraries

Nowadays Javascript is the most popular and widely used programming language, so the ecosystem around it constantly grows.

However, it is expected that the small "standard library" of Javascript will remain so. To fill this gap, many of the most popular utility libraries have grown on GitHub. Here is a short list of useful and highly maintained libraries.


1. MathJS

Math.js is an extensive mathematical library for JavaScript and Node.js, compatible with the Math library integrated in JavaScript. The library contains a flexible parser for expressions, is capable to perform symbolic calculations, and has a large set of functions and integrated constants. You can also extend it yourself.


2. Moment/date-fns

Momentjs is easy to use, support various functions to operation of Date. It is defined object type and use like new Date(). For your convenience, it support unordered function parameter although it was deprecated now. momentjs was made to handle Date/Time and the set of these concept. For this reason, It can be a OOP library.

Date-fns is a time manipulation library for Javascript, chosen by many developers to replace moment.js providing over 130 functions to manipulate dates in the browser and in Node.js. Date-fns is built using pure functions and keeps things unaltered without changing the instances of past dates. It works well with bundlers like webpack, Browserify, or Rollup and also supports tree-shaking.

One of the biggest difference is that date-fns is immutable but momentjs is mutable. date-fns return new Date instance from function which was run. But momentjs change its own state.

3. Sugar

Sugar is a Javascript utility library for working with native objects. Custom constructions and modular npm packages allow you to use only what you need and users can define methods or use plugins to handle specialized use cases.

4. CollectJS

Collect.js is a free wrapper for working with arrays and objects in Javascript with dozens of useful features and APIs that is (almost) identical to Laravel Collections5.5. The library is actively maintained, and it's worth keeping an eye on.

5. ChartJS

Chart.js is has 8 different types of data display, each of which animated and customizable. Chart.js allows you to create simple HTML5 charts using the tag, with great rendering performance on all modern browsers. Definitely one of the most useful and elegant libraries in the list.

6. Mout

Mout.js is a collection of modular JavaScript utilities that can be used in the browser as AMD modules or on node.js. Mout provides helper methods similar to those found on other languages standart libraries (Python, Ruby, PHP etc) and lets you load only the modules/functions you need, and provides a consistent API and normalizes behavior across multiple browsers.


by Janeth Kent Date: 18-01-2019 javascript node react jQuery libraries hits : 15171  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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