Some Neat Ways to Improve Your Internet Browsing Experience?

by Janeth Kent Date: 21-12-2020 internet browser

Not everyone has the best time when they are surfing the net. There are multiple reasons why an internet browser struggles, but that does not mean the situation is out of your hands.

Relying on the internet is inevitable these days. We use it for work, entertainment, and socializing with friends or family. If you are unhappy with how your internet browser has been performing lately, take action, and change the status quo. Here are some neat ways to help you.

Way #1 – Be Efficient With Services You Use

You may be struggling where the fault is not because of the browser but rather your lack of experience to take advantage of certain features. For example, you may use Gmail for work, but it takes too long to find an important email or information about the person who sent you a message.

You need to know how to add contacts to gmail and that there is a feature to favorite important emails.

YouTube is another example. You can find certain videos by expanding the keyword list you use in the search bar or save videos to watch them later.

Way #2 – Use an Ad Blocker Extension

There is a plethora of available browser extensions, particularly for Google Chrome. And ad blockers are extensions that stand out the most.

Quite a few websites have an aggressive advertising policy. In addition to being annoying, browsers and pop-ups you encounter online may also lead to malware-infested landing pages and infect your device with a virus. An ad blocker stops these advertisements and gives you a better browsing experience overall.

Keep in mind, though, that while browser extensions can be neat, they have some downsides as well. You do not want to install too many extensions because they will put a toll on the performance and do more bad than good.

Way #3 – Remove Cache

Cache storage may accumulate data sooner than you expect. And when that happens, the browser may stutter once in a while.

Cache data consists of information like URLs and website photos. Internet browsers store this data to load pages faster the next time users visit them. However, removing the browser cache regularly is a good piece of advice. The process takes a couple of minutes at most, so getting in the habit of removing cache at least once every month should not be a problem.

Way #4 – Close Redundant Browser Tabs

Avoid opening redundant browser tabs. Even if a browser window has the default page, it is still a source that consumes computer resources and slows down the browser.

You may end up in a situation where you are writing a document or doing other types of work and have to switch the tabs back and forth to access information. However, ask yourself whether you need something like YouTube in addition to two primary tabs when there are other ways to listen to music, such as Spotify. Or, do you really need Facebook on a browser when there is an app on your smartphone?

Way #5 – Browse via VPNs

Virtual private networks have several advantages. The first is access to geo-restricted content. You may be trying to access a region that is prohibited by your ISP. A VPN provides a different IP address that changes your original location.

Online privacy is the second advantage. Plenty of ISPs lack the necessary certificates to ensure that users have privacy, even if they use incognito mode on a browser.

Finally, security. If you connect to a public network, like what they have at libraries, cafes, and hotels, the chances are that you may become a hacker target. On the other hand, a virtual private network prevents potential attacks by hiding your location despite using public Wi-Fi.

Way #6 – Check for Interferences

If you have a wireless network and use the internet on a laptop or a smartphone, do not be surprised to encounter connection issues. The fault may not lie with your ISP. Third-party peripherals like microwaves and wireless printers are known to interfere with the internet connection.

Way #7 – Change Downloads Location

The default download location is not necessarily the best option to have. You can forget about downloads that accumulate and take the computer’s drive space. Instead, change the default directory to the desktop. This way, you will notice the files right away and can get rid of them when they serve their purpose.

Way #8 – Create Bookmarks

Bookmarks should be more common. Once you find an interesting website, bookmark it. You may struggle to find it on Google again because the site may drop in rankings or change the domain.

On the other hand, having a bookmark means that you can click the URL and end on a landing page with a single click, saving you time.

by Janeth Kent Date: 21-12-2020 internet browser hits : 2709  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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