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10 results for: nosql

What is a Full Stack Developer?

The demand for the Full Stack Developer is growing exponentially in recent years. Disruptive technology companies and startups are increasingly requesting this type of multipurpose profile that knows multiple programming languages and can assume all kinds of functions within the company. Throughout this article we will tell you what a full stack…

Category : News and events   06-08-2021   by Janeth Kent

A collection of interesting networks and technology aiming at re-decentralizing the Internet

The decentralised web, or DWeb, could be a chance to take control of our data back from the big tech firms. So how does it work? Take a look at this collection of projects aimed to build a decentralized internet. Cloud BitDust - is decentralized, secure and anonymous on-line storage, where only…

Category : Networking   27-08-2020   by Janeth Kent

A roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2019

There are plenty of tutorials online, which won't cost you a cent. If you are sufficiently self-driven and interested, you have no difficulty training yourself. The point to learn coding I think is to read a lot of code of other developers, then typing code and testing to see what…

Category : Programming   30-05-2019   by Janeth Kent

ArangoDB, install and configure the popular Database in ubuntu 16.04

ArangoDB, install and configure the popular Database in ubuntu 16.04

Introduction to ArangoDb, open source, NoSQL, multi-model database BigData seems to be getting stronger every day and more and more NoSQL databases are coming out to the market, all trying to position themselves in the lead to be the reference. This week I tried ArangoDB! Another NoSQL database? Today I'm going to…

Category : Databases   14-11-2017   by Janeth Kent

PHP: list of best awesome PHP libraries

PHP: list of best awesome PHP libraries

It is an exciting time to be a PHP developer. There are lots of useful libraries released every day, and with the help of Composer and Github, they are easy to discover and use. Here is a complete list of the coolest that We’ve come across. Package Management Libraries for package and…

Category : Php   27-04-2014   by Janeth Kent

Top 12 free JavaScript resources for advanced users 

Top 12 free JavaScript resources for advanced users 

If you have a strong knowledge in programming and want to improve your JavaScript skills or you want a good reference book then this list is for you. We've put together a list of 12 of our favorite JavaScript free book to help save you time and energy along the way.…

Category : Javascript   26-06-2023   by Janeth Kent

Predis: PHP Library for REDIS

Predis: PHP Library for REDIS

Redis is an open source data structure server with an in-memory dataset that does much more than simple key/value storage thanks to its built-in data types. It was started in 2009 by Salvatore Sanfilippo and because of its popularity quickly grew, being chosen by big companies like VMware (who later hired…

Category : Programming   01-07-2013   by Janeth Kent

NoSQL Concept and MongoDB

NoSQL Concept and MongoDB

NoSQL has emerged as a different and alternative approach compared to relational database management systems (RDBMS). Actually, there are fundamental differences between the scalable NoSQL systems and relational database management systems. Relational database management systems are transaction-based and have ACID rules. NoSQL systems do not fully support the ACID rules and there is no…

Category : Databases   28-06-2013   by Janeth Kent

Redis: installation and usage on Ubuntu/Debian

Redis: installation and usage on Ubuntu/Debian

About Redis Redis, developed in 2009, is a flexible, open-source, key value data store. Following in the footsteps of other NoSQL databases, such as Cassandra, CouchDB, and MongoDB, Redis allows the user to store vast amounts of data without the limits of a relational database. Additionally, it has also been compared…

Category : Databases   01-07-2013   by Janeth Kent

Genghis - Mongo DB Manager in a single file

Genghis - Mongo DB Manager in a single file

  For NoSQL fans, MongoDB is definitely the most popular solution with the simplicity and cross-platform support offered. In order to manage MongoDB databases easily, Genghis, a single-file, self-hosted and web-based solution is pretty handy. It can be installed either as a Ruby gem or as a standalone PHP script. Genghis is capable of managing any number of databases…

Category : Databases   11-04-2013   by Janeth Kent

q=nosql Clicky