How To Install PHP7 On The Main OS's

How To Install PHP7 On The Main OS's
by Janeth Kent Date: 13-03-2016 php7

Installing PHP 7.0.0 is easier than ever.  Here are instructions for installing the latest version on different platforms:

First step: Uninstall PHP 5.x

If you already have PHP 5.x installed you may encounter conflicts. Make sure to completely remove PHP 5.x from your system before installing php 7.

Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, and 15.10:

On Ubuntu, uninstall PHP 5 running:

sudo apt-get purge php5-*

PHP 7.0.0 can be installed using Ondřej Surý's PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php-7.0
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php7.0

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View the newest article PHP:How To Upgrade to PHP 7 on Ubuntu 14.04

Debian 6, 7, and 8

PHP 7 can be installed using the Dotdeb repository.

Add these two lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, replacing with either squeeze, wheezy, or jessie:

deb <distribution> all
deb-src <distribution> all

Add the GPG key:

sudo apt-key add dotdeb.gpg

Install PHP 7:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php7.0

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PHP 7 can be installed using the Webstatic Yum repository.

If you're using CentOS/RHEL 7.x, run these three commands to add the repository and install PHP 7:

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
yum install php70w

If you're using CentOS/RHEL 6.x, run these two commands to add the repository and install PHP 7:

rpm -Uvh
yum install php70w

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Mac OS X 10.6 - 10.11

PHP 7 can be installed using homebrew:

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
brew install php70

Or you can install it via Liip's php-osx tool:

curl -s | bash -s 7.0


PHP 7 distributions for Windows can be found on the website:

by Janeth Kent Date: 13-03-2016 php7 hits : 5523  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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