Es5 - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

6 results for: es5

How do you stop JavaScript execution for a while: sleep()

A sleep()function is a function that allows you to stop the execution of code for a certain amount of time. Using a function similar to this can be interesting for many reasons: from waiting for some condition to be met before continuing with the code, to simulating during development an…

Category : Javascript   31-05-2023   by Janeth Kent

JavaScript Arrow functions: What they are and how to use them

In this article we are going to see what they are and how to use JavaScript Arrow Functions, a new feature introduced with the ES6 standard (ECMAScript 6). What are Arrow Functions Arrow Functions are a new syntax for defining anonymous functions in JavaScript in a more concise way. Being an abbreviated…

Category : Javascript   30-08-2021   by Janeth Kent

Top Javascript Libraries and Frameworks Part 2

What are JavaScript frameworks?   JavaScript frameworks are application frameworks that allow developers to manipulate code to meet their particular needs. Web application development is like building a house. You have the option of creating everything from scratch with construction materials. But it will take a long time and can incur high costs. But…

Category : Javascript   06-05-2021   by Janeth Kent

Core features overview of JavaScript syntax (ES6)

Several changes to JavaScript were introduced by ECMAScript 2015, also well-known as ES6. Here is a summary of a number of the foremost common options and syntactic variations, where applicable, with comparisons to ES5. Variables and constant comparison In the following table, we provide a brief overview of the concepts of scope…

Category : Javascript   11-05-2020   by Janeth Kent

Highlights from the JavaScript Style Guide of Google

Highlights from the JavaScript Style Guide of Google

For anyone who is not already acquainted with it, Google provides a style guide for writing JavaScript that gives the best stylistic practices for writing clean, understandable code (what Google believes to be). The guide does not present difficult rules for writing valid JavaScript, but only tips to keep the source…

Category : Javascript   27-02-2019   by Janeth Kent

Best Websites to Learn Coding Online

Best Websites to Learn Coding Online

You know and we know that it’s totally possible to learn to code for free... If you can teach yourself how to write code, you gain a competitive edge over your peers, you can think more algorithmically and thus can tackle problems more efficiently. But what are the best resources to achieve…

Category : Programming   19-06-2018   by Janeth Kent

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