Dummies - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

5 results for: dummies

Linux For Dummies: Permissions

In the previous articles I made a short introduction to the Unix world and in the following article I have dealt with the basic commands for the file system management. Today we are going to talk about permissions. We are going to take Ubuntu as an example, but in the other distros the working mechanism…

Category : Operating systems   14-03-2020   by Alessio Mungelli

Linux for Dummies: Ubuntu Terminal

I introduced in the previous article, available here, the basic concepts concerning the Linux world. Today we are going to have a look to some basic operations that we can perform using the terminal in an Ubuntu-like operating system. What is the command line? Shell, terminal and command line are words that commonly stand for a…

Category : Operating systems   27-02-2020   by Alessio Mungelli

Linux for Dummies: Introduction

If you have thought about migrating from Windows to a Unix operating system, or Linux specifically there are things you should know. The goal is to give essential information (and not) to take the first steps in the world of the "penguin". What is Linux? With the word Linux we commonly refer…

Category : Operating systems   21-08-2020   by Alessio Mungelli

The Bible of Responsive Web Design

You've decided it's time for a new website, and you know that making it responsive will ensure that all users have a great experience, regardless of what device they are using. Responsive web design, or RWD for short, is here to stay. It's rapidly maturing but not without some serious pitfalls for…

Category : Web design   23-05-2019   by Janeth Kent

Weekly Design and Development News

Weekly Design and Development News

This is our weekly article were we share our favorite design or development related articles, resources and cool tidbits of the week. Enjoy :) ! If you would like to receive our daily updates and keep up to date with the latest and greatest articles and resources from tahe design community, you…

Category : Web design   26-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

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