Cors - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

6 results for: cors

A FULFILLED PROMISE - Using the FETCH API to make AJAX calls

In this article we talked about what AJAX calls are and how to use them in a traditional way, by using the XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object. In short, thanks to AJAX calls a web page can be partially updated without having to reload the whole content. This leads to better loading…

Category : Javascript   26-12-2020   by Iveta Karailievova

Linux For Dummies: Permissions

In the previous articles I made a short introduction to the Unix world and in the following article I have dealt with the basic commands for the file system management. Today we are going to talk about permissions. We are going to take Ubuntu as an example, but in the other distros the working mechanism…

Category : Operating systems   14-03-2020   by Alessio Mungelli

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and examples of XSS and CSRF

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) enables web clients to make HTTP requests to servers hosted on different origins. CORS is a unique web technology in that it has both a server-side and a client-side component. The server-side component configures which types of cross-origin requests are allowed, while the client-side component controls…

Category : Javascript   30-01-2020   by Luigi Nori

Java Sorting Algorithm: Bubble Sort

Programming, the need to order the collections of data or objects that must then be manipulated often arises. Ordering a list can be useful in cases where you have to do very quick searches. We will see later on how to maintain an ordered list is useful to carry out dichotomous…

Category : Java   15-12-2019   by Alessio Mungelli

A roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2019

There are plenty of tutorials online, which won't cost you a cent. If you are sufficiently self-driven and interested, you have no difficulty training yourself. The point to learn coding I think is to read a lot of code of other developers, then typing code and testing to see what…

Category : Programming   30-05-2019   by Janeth Kent

CSS Shapes: how to create non-rectangular shapes (part 1)

CSS Shapes: how to create non-rectangular shapes (part 1)

CSS Shapes (Level 1) has been accessible in Chrome and Safari for various years, be that as it may, this week it sends in a creation form of Firefox with the arrival of Firefox 62 — alongside an exceptionally pleasant expansion to the Firefox DevTools to enable us to work…

Category : Css   17-09-2018   by Janeth Kent

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