Loader - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

results for: loader

Mobile Malware Targets Android Phones: new Kaspersky Lab report

Mobile Malware Targets Android Phones: new Kaspersky Lab report

Are you a loyal Android fan as we are? Yes? Therefore, we have to accepted that malware targeting mobile devices is rapidly growing in both the number of variants found in the wild and in their complexity and sophistication, but the platform being actively targeted is Google's Android, which researchers now say is resembling Windows…

Category : Security   23-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

A collection of must-have front-end developer tools

A collection of must-have front-end developer tools

PREPROCESSORS For years, the front-end community debated over whether CSS preprocessing was necessary. The language is a simple one; why are we complicating it? Thankfully, over time, and as the web stack matured, the majority of front-end developers came to terms with the fact that, until the language itself matures a…

Category : Programming   20-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

318 useful twitter bootstrap resources #1

318 useful twitter bootstrap resources #1

Display BOOTSTRAP-MAXLENGTH Uses badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. This plugin uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. WATABLE a pretty decent jQuery table plugin BOOTSTRAP-TIMEPICKER A simple timepicker component for Twitter Bootstrap. BOOTSTRO.JS Guide users through your application via a series of Bootstrap popovers NOD!…

Category : Web design   17-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

Firefox 21 released for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android

Firefox 21 released for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android

Mozilla on Tuesday officially launched Firefox 21 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. Improvements include the addition of multiple social providers on the desktop as well as open source fonts on Android.   The new desktop version was available yesterday on the organization’s FTP servers last night, but that was just the…

Category : Software   14-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

Super Stealthy Backdoor Spreads To Hit Hundreds Of Thousands Of Web Users

Super Stealthy Backdoor Spreads To Hit Hundreds Of Thousands Of Web Users

One of the most sophisticated web server backdoors ever seen has spread fast and is now sitting on hundreds of webservers running some of the most popular websites in the world, researchers have warned. One expert told TechWeekEurope the Cdorked backdoor, brought to light in April, is almost as smart as Stuxnet, the malware which disrupted…

Category : Security   09-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

30 Plugins and Scripts for Dynamic Websites

30 Plugins and Scripts for Dynamic Websites

Open source code provides a means where developers can quickly build new projects without structuring every feature from the beginning. I specifically follow a lot of jQuery plugins which are built off the ever-popular jQuery library. Since the library is open source, many of the plugins are also released for…

Category : Javascript   25-04-2013   by Janeth Kent

Reset Linux root password without knowing the password

So there it goes - Linux is a secure OS. No, really it is. Despite the title of this post, Linux is actually a secure system. Before we proceed to the main topic, let us consider a few points: Linux is flexible to a very large extent. Linux's administrator account is called…

Category : Operating systems   30-04-2021   by Janeth Kent

A list of Great PHP libraries and classes you should know

It is an exciting time to be a PHP developer. There are lots of useful libraries released every day, and with the help of Composer and Github, they are easy to discover and use. Here are 24 of the coolest that I’ve come across. Your favorite is not on the list? Share it in…

Category : Programming   26-03-2021   by Janeth Kent

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