Best Javascript front-end hacking cheatsheets

Best Javascript front-end hacking cheatsheets
by Janeth Kent Date: 06-05-2020 javascript cheatsheet node react tips

JavaScript has a extremely high potential to build cutting-edge web applications. But it's really hard to memorize it by heart. The JavaScript cheat sheets therefore act perfectly as a reminder and a comprehensive reference for developers. All popular and special purpose cheat sheets have been discussed above. You now have your own large JavaScript cheat sheet database.

JavaScript cheat sheets work as refreshing memory tools during website development. A cheat sheet from JavaScript provides simple, short instructions on how to run JavaScript on a web page. It will help you start JavaScript and let you know what you can do with it. Explore some of the best JavaScript cheat sheets listed below.

So, enjoy working with your JavaScript coding!!

1. JavaScript (ES6 and Beyond) Cheat Sheet

This JavaScript Cheat Sheet refers to the latest standard specification ES6 of JavaScript. ECMAScript (ES6) is a new JavaScript implementation. It focuses that how to create a scripting language. This cheat sheet displays the ES6 features of JavaScript. It represents ES6 variable, constants, Binary, Hex, and Octal notation, Arrow, and new scoped functions and much more. It is one of the best resources to get aware of new ES6 elements and concepts.

2. Javascript

It is a comprehensive JavaScript Cheat sheet from the OverAPI collection of cheat sheets. Not only it groups the hole JavaScript syntax at one place but also redirects you to new links for the further details. It means whenever you click a specific element, it opens a new page that contains its syntax, short summary, and description with an example. Covers all the basic functions plus Graphics Methods and DOM properties. It is a great JavaScript resource as holds everything you need to know about it.

3. Javascript Regular expression

In JavaScript, regular expressions are objects to match character combinations in strings. These are used with different methods of a string. So, this JavaScript Regex cheat sheet covers all the regex basics, quantifiers, classes to Regex replacement. It also includes Regex groups, assertions, and Regex flags. In whole, it is good quick reference to all the concepts associated with JavaScript Regular expressions.

4. React

This cheat sheet represents a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. It has a number of sections to target React v15 to v16. It covers the basic components, defaults, lifecycle, DOM nodes, JSX patterns, property validation etc. Each section divides into relevant sets of operation. Rollbar sponsors this cheat sheet. Rollbar is responsible for real-time error monitoring, analytics & altering for developers.

5. DOM JavaScript Cheat Sheet (PDF)

This cheat sheet is assembled by Christian Heilmann. It is a collection of the most commonly used DOM methods in JavaScript. It is really useful to locate an element, for navigating between nodes, reading element attributes and node values etc. Even, you can create new nodes.

6. Modern JS Cheatsheet

Modern JS Cheat Sheet helps the developers to get familiar with basics of JavaScript. This guide is very well-framed with a table of contents. A user can jump to any required section from the table of contents. It covers all the basics like variables, constants, array functions, classes, generators, static methods etc. Whatever section it includes, gives complete information about it, from a short explanation, sample code to the detailed explanation. It also marks the external resources to get further details. This is one of the best JavaScript cheat sheets to have a good command over this language.

7. The Ultimate JavaScript Cheat Sheet

The ultimate JavaScript Cheat Sheet not only gives an overview of the JavaScript language but also includes a couple of browser features. It covers all the basics plus error handling in JavaScript. It gives a small description, language rules, example code for every enlisted element. The main elements are variables, conditional statements, objects, classes, constructors, async function, promises etc. It also embraces loops, math & number functions, date functions.

8. JavaScript Encyclopedia

This is a JavaScript encyclopedia organized into 27 chapters. Every chapter contains a list of specimens (concepts). All these specimens are arranged alphabetically. Each specimen can include multiple articles. These are well-maintained with further links. This encyclopedia covers all the basics of JavaScript in addition to the special characters.

9. JavaScript Quick Reference Card

This reference card is a summary of JavaScript. It includes all of the Code structure, Nomenclature rules, Visibility & scope to Objects. It describes an element with its proper notation. The main sections are Variables, Looping, Array objects, Error handling, JavaScript in HTML, Conditional Execution, Window Objects etc.

10. All-In-One Cheat Sheet

This is an Ultimate JavaScript Cheat Sheet that covers everything from basic objects to graphics. It includes browser functions, DOM events, RegExp, Conditionals, Timers, Loops, Type checking, throttle functions etc. In addition to this, it also tells how to create or add new elements to DOM, Add/Remove classes or array items, add default arguments for functions and much more.

11. JavaScript: Basic, Advanced, & More Cheat Sheet by AC Winter

This cheat sheet covers all the core elements of JavaScript though not in detail but to mark a reference. The main sections are of Types, Math Methods, Array, Functions, Loops, Strings, Date Methods etc. It also includes the Miscellaneous Instructions to perform some specific operations like breaking/stopping the current loop etc. Similarly, it has a separate section to define some relative language terms such as Callback, Chaining, ECMAScript, Arity, Currying, IIFE and much more. It also enlists some of the Reserved Keywords for JavaScript.

12. Redux

13. Vuejs

14. Angular 4

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by Janeth Kent Date: 06-05-2020 javascript cheatsheet node react tips hits : 12265  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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