Javascript Features - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

6 results for: javascript features

JavaScript: Promises explained with simple real life examples

Handling asynchronous data flows is complex, who hasn't faced codes like this one?: checkWeather('palma de mallorca', (error, weather) => { if (error) throw error; if (weather === 'well') { return checkFlights('palma de mallorca', (err, flights) => { if (err) throw err; buyTicket(flights, (e, ticket) => { if (e) throw e; console.log('ticket nº…

Category : Javascript   06-05-2020   by Janeth Kent

The best open source javascript template engines

Today we want to publish a resource that can generate an instant boost in your workflow, here we have a list of the Best JavaScript template engines to choose from, and each of them could make your development faster and easier. When you build a JavaScript application, you'll almost certainly use…

Category : Javascript   07-08-2019   by Janeth Kent

Understanding the JavaScript language (guidelines for beginners)

What began in 1995 as a modest 10-day project is now one of the world's most commonly used programming languages. JavaScript is actually everywhere, thanks to more advanced JavaScript engines and the introduction of frameworks like Node, Apache Cordova, Ionic, and Electron that took the language beyond the simple web…

Category : Javascript   18-06-2019   by Janeth Kent

ES2019 JavaScript and its new features

ES2019 JavaScript and its new features

ECMAScript 2019 has finished and rolled out new exciting features for developers. The proposals which have been accepted and reached stage 4 by the TC39 committee would be included in the specification of that year and the others - are postponed to the next year. What that’s mentioned above is a…

Category : Javascript   18-02-2019   by Janeth Kent

A roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2019

There are plenty of tutorials online, which won't cost you a cent. If you are sufficiently self-driven and interested, you have no difficulty training yourself. The point to learn coding I think is to read a lot of code of other developers, then typing code and testing to see what…

Category : Programming   30-05-2019   by Janeth Kent

Free Tools For JavaScript Developers

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, powering countless web applications and websites. As a JavaScript developer, having access to the right tools can greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency. In this article, we have compiled a list of free tools that every JavaScript…

Category : Javascript   21-06-2023   by Janeth Kent

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