How to Get Started with your Freelance Branding

by Janeth Kent Date: 02-10-2020

It is natural to be preparing so many things when you have just started doing something. When we speak of freelancing, there is also lots of preparation to do. Part of that is getting yourself ready to face the many challenges you may face in the freelance world. You also need to sharpen your skills in designing so that you will be able to give your clients good design outputs that would qualify to their standards. You also need to prepare your own freelance brand. If you think you can immediately jump into freelancing without a brand, you are wrong.

Some freelancers work with their clients clinging on their own capabilities as a brand. But that would not be enough. You will be more successful in your freelance career if you have prepared everything. For those who will just start freelancing, we have given you a list of what you need to do in getting started with your freelance brand. You will be able to realize the value of preparing when you get to start already. So, here they are.


Every business has a logo. It is a representation of you and your freelance business. You can create one for yourself. See to it that it can best show what you are doing and who you are. Some freelance designers merely use a combination of their name initials while others create totally unique designs that are attractive and recognizable. You also need to choose the right colors for your logo. We have 10 Points to Consider in Making a Logo Design that you can look into to help yuo with your logo.

Business cards

Another important part of your branding is a business card. Place your logo in it, your freelance business name and your name. You can take a look at our post on the Vital Contents of a Business Card so you can be guided on what to place on your business card. This can be very useful especially when you meet people who are prospect clients. Giving them a business card instead of a piece of paper with handwritten number will make you look more professional. It also means that you are really serious about the job you have.


Creating a website is one good way to let the clients know what you can do for them. This would be good in promoting yourself online. This can also help open more job opportunities for you since clients will be the one to contact you after seeing what you are capable of. Create a portfolio of your works and have a blog, too. You can even gain additional earnings from having your own blog.

Social media accounts

If you do not have social media accounts for your freelancing yet, create one. Since this is the manner of which most people reach other, you have to create one for yourself. You also have to be active in updating your status, sharing useful information and others. Make use of social media to expand your freelance business. You will find it very much helpful.

Email newsletters

An online newsletter is also important for your brand. This will be sent to your followers and readers every time you have new posts in your website. You can design a newsletter that can make them recognize it at once upon seeing it. Having trouble with designing an email newsletter? Check our Simple Steps in Designing an Email Newsletter


You can use web applications in creating invoices. But they also allow you to customize your invoices. You can place your company name and logo there. But if you do not want to use web apps for your invoice, you can design one for yourself. You will need this for your transactions.


This is very much needed for every business transaction you will have. You need to have a contract to make sure that the transaction is smooth sailing and that you will be able to have a good agreement with the client especially in terms of the project specifications and payments. Prepare a contract in which you will only need to edit some parts for every project. This way you are sure that you created a contract that is well thought of and that you haven’t skipped any important item.


Prepare a format for your proposal. You can merely change some parts when needed for various projects. Also, you can prepare documents with letter heads so that you can use them whenever needed. Using letterheads is another way of creating a brand for you.


Make some leaflets or brochures that can tell the clients what services you offer. You can also create a promotional ad for your social networking site so that people will be aware that you offer certain services. If you have a local office, place your leaflets in the counter so people can get them and check what you can do. You can also create posters if you want.

Online avatars

Your online presence can be recognized by clients worldwide through your online avatar. This is what appears after a blog post you created or a comment you made in a forum and others. This would be your face online. Some people create their own avatars while others just make use of their own picture. Whatever that is, you have to decide on how you want people to look at you. Make your avatar remarkable so that people will not forget you.

It’s Your Turn Now

There are indeed many things to prepare for your branding. But your effort will be worth it since you will be able to use all of them in a good way. It can surely help you bring in clients. If you haven’t started creating those items, then you can start now. Do you think we missed something? Feel free to add some through our comment section below.

by Janeth Kent Date: 02-10-2020 hits : 6489  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.