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Graphic designing is the modern form of art for tech savvy people. This ever-expanding field has no known horizons, meaning that you can never truly master it all. Today, almost every business has switched to digital marketing which has created a huge scope for graphic designing. And every good designer knows that you can never stop learning in this field.
This is why I scoured the internet to find you the absolute best ebooks on graphic designing written by the greatest minds. These ebooks are all relevant to today’s needs and will definitely help you become a stellar graphic designer who leaves people in awe.
So without further ado, let’s take a look at these free ebooks, shall we? Oh and I have also mentioned a simple way for you to get these ebooks on your iDevices at the end so you can read them any time, any where!
Our selection of Top Graphic Design e-Books
The Freelancer’s Bible by Route One Print
The freelancing industry has become too saturated now with so many graphic designers being self-employed. Moreover, since there is more supply of the talent now, there’s less demand. So it takes double the energy and time to prove your worth and land a project.
This is where The Freelancer’s Bible jumps in to help freelancers market their offerings, create a USP, land clients and maintain long-term relationships with them. So if you are a freelance designer trying to survive in a high-supply, less-demand market, this free ebook is like a bible for you, quite literally!
Attention Driven Design by Oli Gardner
According to Oil Gardner, the author of this insightful book, attention is limited. And every block, banner or link you put on your website distracts people, while serving its purpose. In order to retain people’s attention and get rid of those unnecessary distractions from your business’s website, you need to read this book.
Attention Driven Design is a free ebook that takes the concepts of psychology and interaction design to give you the perfect tactics to apply visual simplicity on your websites. The book is full of real-life examples and case studies to help you drive up that conversion rate and create minimalistic yet attractive web designs.
Design’s Iron Fist by Jarrod Drysdale
Written by the maestro himself, Design’s Iron Fist is full of tangible advice, not just for designers but also almost any other professional in the industry. Drysdale is a popular designer, writer, developer and product maker with years of experience under his belt. He has written 4 books now, including Design’s Iron Fist.
This ebook not only guides you into getting into the right mindset of being an iconic designer, but is also a collection of Drysdale’s own journey and experiences in the form of practical tutorials.
The Designer’s Dictionary of Color by Sean Adams
This great ebook by Sean Adams is your guide to understanding the colors in depth and serves as a practical resource for graphic designers. The book gives you an insight into thirty colors that are essential to art and graphic design.
The book is organized by spectrum in color-by-color sections to help readers easily navigate. Each hue has charts with color range and palette variations. The book also documents the history and cultural associations of these colors, in addition to the use of these colors ranging from artistic use to utilitarian. So if you are a graphic designer or a media student go ahead and harness the power of colors by diving into this amazing read!
Graphic Design Handbook by Radu Frasie
The Graphic Design Handbook by Radu Frasie is certainly a must-have for all graphic designers or students alike. This ebook is available for free and was named as one of the best graphic design books of all time by BookAuthority, world’s leading platform for book recommendations.
As a graphic designer, you waste hours every day researching information that is essential for your daily designing projects. After reading this book, you won’t have to waste that time as you would already be equipped with all the info you need.
The book offers numerous practical advice and structured information about color theory, color psychology, shape psychology, typography, branding, brochure folding options, logo designing, charts and various types of tables with a dimension guide for papers, banners, flyers and brochures etc. After you have read the book, you will be aware of all the design fundamentals necessary for any kind of graphic designing.
How To Get eBooks On My iDevice?
Now that you know about the top graphic design ebooks, you might be wondering how you can get them on your iPhone or iPad, in order to read them anytime and anywhere. WALTR 2 is an iOS dedicated transfer tool that sends any file to your iOS device.
Here’s a step by step guide for you to transfer ebooks to your iDevices.
Step 1: Download and install WALTR 2 on your Windows/Mac computer.
Step 2: Launch WALTR 2 on your PC and connect your iOS device to your PC via a USB cable.
Note: You can also connect the two devices over Wi-Fi. Just click on the little cog icon on the bottom right of the WALTR 2 app and enable Wi-Fi connectivity..
Step 3: Drag the download eBook files from your computer and drop them into the WALTR 2.
No matter the format, WALTR 2 converts any file into an iOS compatible while transferring.
Step 4: Find the transferred files in the native iBooks app on your iDevice.
And you’re done! You can now read any eBook of such formats like PDF or ePub on iPad, iPhone, or Mac on-the-go.
To Wrap Things Up . . .
These free graphic design ebooks are the best available guides for graphic designers and students alike. So if you are one of those, get your hands on them to learn the best designing practices of 2021.

Luigi Nori
He has been working on the Internet since 1994 (practically a mummy), specializing in Web technologies makes his customers happy by juggling large scale and high availability applications, php and js frameworks, web design, data exchange, security, e-commerce, database and server administration, ethical hacking. He happily lives with @salvietta150x40, in his (little) free time he tries to tame a little wild dwarf with a passion for stars.