Woman - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

5 results for: woman

Is AI sexist? A gender perspective in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

In her article, Maria Antonia Huertas Sánchez of the UOC - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, provides an explanation of why we should incorporate a gender vision in robotics and artificial intelligence by combining the concept of epistemology with the definition of artificial intelligence. Epistemology refers to the "theory of the foundations…

Category : News and events   22-05-2023   by Silvia Mazzetta

Designers and Marie Kondo: a life lesson

Designers and Marie Kondo: a life lesson

A new phenomenon is sweeping the world, and it's fascinating. Who would have imagined that Europe's new obsession would be tidy up? The revolution is led by Marie Kondo. I'm going to admit that I wasn't thrilled when my best friend bought me The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I followed…

Category : Ui/ux design   11-02-2021   by Janeth Kent

Digital Woman of the Year Award

Digital Woman of the Year Award

The 2013 Digital Woman of the Year™ Award is destined for a woman*, 18 years of age or older, who lives and/or works in Europe and distinguishes herself through leadership, creativity, entrepreneurship, social-focus and/or innovative discoveries, and who is positively impacting the number of girls and women participating in digitally-driven or digitally-enabled areas of…

Category : News and events   17-07-2013   by Janeth Kent

Amplify Your Artistic Journey: Exploring the Best Social Networks for Artists and Designers

In today's digital age, social networks have become essential for artists and designers to showcase their work, connect with a wider audience, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. These platforms offer a plethora of opportunities to gain exposure, receive feedback, and even sell artwork. If you're an artist or designer looking…

Category : Social networks   09-06-2023   by Janeth Kent

Attracting women to developer events

Attracting women to developer events

GirlDevelopIt SF is now 1,500 members strong, and all but a handful of them are women interested in learning to program, make websites, and generally become more technically literate. Because of my involvement in GDI and likely also because I'm a fairly visible "woman in tech", I often get approached with…

Category : Web marketing   11-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

q=woman Clicky