Sourcecode - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

3 results for: sourcecode

Java Design Pattern: Builder Pattern

Today we are going to talk about a creational pattern that in many situations can represent a useful alternative to the construction of the objects using the constructors: the Builder Pattern. The need to introduce alternative mechanisms to those provided by Java for the creation of objects is originated from the fact…

Category : Java   22-12-2019   by Alessio Mungelli

Java Sorting Algorithm: Selection Sort

Today we are going to analyze a sorting algorithm that is not very efficient but often used in various fields. We are talking abou the Selection Sort. Let's have a look. Intuition The idea behind it is to divide the array to sort into two sub-arrays: the first that contains the sorted data…

Category : Java   31-03-2023   by Alessio Mungelli

What fonts do you use for programming?

What fonts do you use for programming?

What fonts do you use for programming, and for what language/IDE? Here is a list of great programmer fonts for those of you who steadfastly refuse to believe in anything beyond Courier New...   1. PT Mono 2. Menlo 3. Droid Sans Mono 4. DejaVu Sans Mono 5. Pragmata Pro 6. Monaco 7. Source Code Pro 8. Inconsolata-g 9. Andale Mono 10.…

Category : Web design   10-06-2013   by Janeth Kent

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