25 Metro Style Scripts e Tutorials per sviluppatori e web designers

25 Metro Style Scripts e Tutorials per sviluppatori e web designers
by Janeth Kent Date: 29-05-2013 metro style metro scripts metro tutorials

Oggi vi offriamo un utile elenco di 25 Metro Style Scripts e Tutorials per sviluppatori e designers.

1. Creare un Menu Metro Style in HTML e CSS

Dettagli || Demo


See in this article how to develop a Metro style menu, similar to the start menu of Windows 8 and Windows Phone, using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

2. Metro Notifications

Dettagli || Demo

Metro Notifications è un plugin utile per personalizzare le notifiche.

In realtà sono presenti 6 plugins in uno:

*Small Notifications (responsive)
*Big Notifications (responsive)
*Alerts (responsive)
*Inputs (responsive)
*Loadings (responsive)
*Side Panels (Not responsive yet)

3. MetNav

Dettagli || Demo

MetNav è un plugin jQuery Metro style basato su Window 8 Metro theme.

4. Metro Preloader

Dettagli || Demo


5. Metro Login

Dettagli || Demo

6. Metro UI Template

Dettagli || Demo

7. Metro CSS3 Mega Menu

Dettagli || Demo


8. BootMetro

Dettagli || Demo


9. MetroTabs with jQuery and CSS3 Effects

Dettagli || Demo

Metrotabs un leggero plugin jQuery per creare tabs secondo lo stile metro.


  • Support Responsive Design
  • Ajax and Inline Content
  • Support Inline Content For SEO Purpose
  • Content can be anything ( paragraph, images, video, iframe, dynamic code … )
  • IE 8+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  • Light weight
  • Easy Customization
  • Unlimited Tabs
  • Cool Content Scroller

10. Megafolio Pro Responsive Grid jQuery Plugin

Dettagli || Demo

Megafolio Pro è un plugin per creare originali portfolio adattativi (responsive).

11. MetroPanel – The New Navigator for Modern Sites

Dettagli || Demo


12. Boot Metro – Metro Style Side Menu

Dettagli || Demo

13. Metro Flexible Navigation

Dettagli || Demo


14. jQmobile metro theme

Dettagli || Demo

15. Onemenu – Responsive Metro UI Menu

Dettagli || Demo


OneMenu è un plugin jQuery per creare menu responsive basati sul Metro UI themes.

16. MelonHTML5 – Metro Gallery

Dettagli || Demo

17. Metro JS

Dettagli || Demo


Metro JS è un plugin JavaScript per creare semplici interfacce Metro style. Funziona con : IE7+(Win/WinPhone), Firefox, Chrome, Android, Opera, e Safari(OSX/iOS).

18. Metro Help Desk Support Tickets

Dettagli || Demo

19. jQuery Metro Plugin

Dettagli || Demo

20. jQuery UI Themes

Dettagli || Demo.

21. Droptiles

Dettagli || Demo 

22. UI-Pro – Simple Metro Style Navigation Bar

Dettagli || Demo

23. MelonHTML5 – METRO UI

Dettagli || Demo

25. metro.js: recreating Windows 8 UI as a web interface

Dettagli || Demo




by Janeth Kent Date: 29-05-2013 metro style metro scripts metro tutorials visite : 7596  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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