This article was written for Inspirationfeed by Shay Wright. Shay loves reading, writing, and discussing pretty much anything Internet marketing related. He is a Senior SEO Strategist at SEO.com. Learn how to create and optimize a Google+ page for business with our great new ebook!
When Google first introduced Google+ to the world less than 2 years ago, many people thought Google was entering the social game too late. Many argued that Google would not be able to take a significant enough portion of the social pie from the already immensely popular Facebook and Twitter to stay relevant. To all those that doubted the longevity of Google+, it may be of interest to note that Google+ just surpassed 500 million total users. To put that number in perspective, the current total population of the United States is just 315 million people.
The new kid on the block is definitely here to stay, so if you’re not on Google+, it’s probably time to join. The Google+ platform with such features as Google circles and communities help you connect with others that share your same interest and passions, engage in meaningful conversations, and establish valuable business relationships. Although Google+ has so much to offer, it can also be a little overwhelming. To help make your time on Google+ more effective as well as enjoyable, here are some great websites to really get you going on Google+.
1. FindPeopleOnPlus.com
This is an incredible tool for finding the perfect people for you to follow and interact with on Google+. You can search for people on G+ by school, occupation, employer, age range, location, relationship status, as well as many other great search filters. In addition to finding new people, you can also discover all your current LinkedIn connections and Twitter followers that are on G+ and quickly connect with them.
Another great feature about FindPeopleOnPlus is that you can apply multiple search filters to your search to really narrow down the selection of people you want to follow. For example, I can search for people that are single, between the ages of 25 to 34, attended or currently attend Harvard University, and work as designers.
2. Recommended Users
Like FindPeopleOnPlus, Recommended Users also allows you to search for people to follow on G+ based on their occupation/area of expertise. However, I prefer Recommended Users to FindPeopleOnPlus when it comes to searching for people based on occupation. The reason being that the results displayed on FindPeopleOnPlus aren’t sorted by the top G+ users in that particular occupation.
If I search for “web designer” for example, the results displayed on FindPeopleOnPlus seem to be ordered more by the number of times the word “web designer” appears in that particular person’s profile. Recommended Users, on the other hand, lists only the top influencers in that particular field such as the list of top web designers to follow on Google+ below. Recommended Users find the top influencers for you instead of you having to sort through and pick them out yourself.
3. Social Statistics
Social Statistics provides valuable insight when it comes to researching who and what is currently trending on G+. This site shows the top 100 people on G+ by number of followers as well as the top 5 “Risers” and “Fallers.” If you see someone that has gained a lot of followers recently, you can check out their recent posts and interactions to see how they may be gaining the followers they are. By the same token, you can also check out those that lost a lot of followers to see what they did wrong.
Social Statistics also displays the hottest posts on G+. This information can help shed some light on what type of topics people want to read and hear about in your particular industry or area of interest. This way you can focus on content that people are likely to +1, comment on, and share.
4. Circle Count
Like the other sites mentioned above, Circle Count also allows you to view the most followed profiles on G+, but Circle Count has some additional unique and interesting statistics worth noting as well. For example, you can view the most followed communities on G+ to see what type of content they are posting. Below is a snapshot of the most followed communities on G+ right now.
There are statistics on the pages and communities with the most user engagement measured by the average comments per posting, number of reshares per posting, and +1’s per posting. In addition to other great statistics like this, there is a unique list of “Specials” with a lot of interesting information you won’t find anywhere else. From great G+ infographics to the newest shared circles on G+ and many other things in between, this area of Circle Count is definitely worth checking out.
G+ is a very unique platform with many social opportunities and features to both excite and capitalize on. As you continue to explore and interact in the world of G+, hopefully these great resources mentioned above will help you truly harness and benefit from the power of G+.
What other great websites or tools out there do you use with Google+?
source: http://inspirationfeed.com

Janeth Kent
Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.