4 Online Marketing Tips for Personal Trainers

4 Online Marketing Tips for Personal Trainers
by Janeth Kent Date: 27-02-2017 online marketing tips marketing online

The fitness industry is growing rapidly as more people realize the health benefits of physical exercise. As a result, the demand for personal trainers has never been higher.

With the rise in demand, the profession is one of the most competitive today. To stay ahead of the pack, you must market your services effectively. These days, the best way to do this is to go online. If you are a personal trainer interested in online marketing, here are some tips you might find useful.

1. Have Your Own Blog or Website

The first place prospective clients go to find out about your services is online. If you don't have an online presence today, you lose out on potential business. So make sure you have an online presence by having a blog or website. Plenty of web hosting and blogging services exist that you can use. On your blog or site, highlight your services and experience. Also, write articles on fitness to establish yourself as an authority in the field.

2. Build Relationships on Social Media

As more people use social media, the business potential of this platform is yours for the taking. But the key here is to use it correctly. Personal trainers make the mistake of using social media to advertise their services. Although this is important, most people resent overt advertising on this platform. They use it to build relationships.

So, focus on relating with fitness enthusiasts and have fun. Post pictures of yourself and other people working out. Most importantly, show people the results of staying fit and offer advice on fitness. This generates interest and creates a brand, and soon enough, new clients show up.

3. Network with Other Professionals

Referrals usually come from existing clients. But personal trainers usually forget one thing: other professionals can also make referrals. So, use online platforms, especially social media, to network with other professionals.

4. Become Visible

To attract clients, you must be visible. And remaining visible online takes a lot of effort. Remember, everyone is now going online. So, you are playing on a very crowded field. But gaining visibility is not as difficult to achieve as it looks. First, consider using a tool such as search engine optimization or SEO. If your website or blog has a high SEO ranking, you are easier to find online.

Second, Pay per click (PPC) is another option you can try. But if SEO and PPC sound too technical for you, then go for the third and easier option, social media. Make providing your social media followers with usable and engaging content a priority. Listen to, learn from, and respond to their feedback. Also, as mentioned earlier, build relationships first then promote your services. In short, advertise without advertising.

Most personal trainers rely on referrals from existing clients to grow their business. But in this digital age, it is not enough. You must market yourself online as well. This implies having your own blog or website. Also, have a social media account and use it to build and maintain relationships, and to network with other professionals. Finally, use tools like SEO to improve your online ranking.

by Janeth Kent Date: 27-02-2017 online marketing tips marketing online hits : 7897  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.