Software Vulnerabilities - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

2 results for: software vulnerabilities

A beginner’s guide to software vulnerabilities

What are software vulnerabilities The number of devices connected to the Internet is growing every day. And among those devices we find not only computers and smartphones, but also an ever-rising number of cameras, smoke detectors, motion sensors, smart door locks, and let’s not forget that even plant pots. Many households…

Category : Security   17-11-2020   by Iveta Karailievova

What is a DDOS attack and tools used

A DOS attack is an attempt to make a system or server unavailable for legitimate users and, finally, to take the service down. This is achieved by flooding the server’s request queue with fake requests. After this, server will not be able to handle the requests of legitimate users. The denial…

Category : Security   04-05-2021   by Janeth Kent

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