Social Tools - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

2 results for: social tools

8 Social Tools to interact with Customers and improve CX

8 Social Tools to interact with Customers and improve CX

Customer experience is measured by the individual’s experience during all points of contact against the individual’s expectations. Over the past century, countless inventions and advancements have inadvertently raised the bar of customer experience. Communication mediums have improved, resulting in elevated expectations of more hands-on, faster, and localized customer service.  Customers now have…

Category : Social networks   22-07-2016   by Janeth Kent

71 Social Media Monitoring Tools

71 Social Media Monitoring Tools

If you want to monitorize the "social world web" you need social media monitoring tools. Before you reach for your wallet and start to spend money try out some of the free social media monitoring services. We have collected Free social media monitoring tools.  In the first group are the most popular Social Media Monitoring…

Category : Social networks   27-06-2013   by Janeth Kent

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