Social Media Manager - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

3 results for: social media manager

How Technology has Improved the Way We Do Business

There’s no question that technological advancements are a positive change for many industries, as they contribute to growth and innovation. New hardware and software have completely redefined some industries, and revived old or dying ones, with improvements in efficiency, standards, processes, and connection and communication. It’s tough to find a commercial…

Category : Web marketing   20-06-2019   by Janeth Kent

Advice For A Successful Social Media Strategy

One area where your business can make a big impact and drive more attention back to your company is through social media. The problem is many businesses think they can simply open accounts and hope for the best without having a plan of attack. What you need to succeed is to…

Category : Social networks   13-03-2020   by Janeth Kent

Best apps to boost your social media

Best apps to boost your social media

Most individuals, marketers and business people struggle to get the best out of social media but do not know how to go about it. There are various applications that can help anyone get their social media up and running. With the help of such apps or tools, management of social…

Category : Social networks   24-11-2017   by Janeth Kent

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