Facebooktips - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

2 results for: facebooktips

Facebook Shortcuts: Infographic

Facebook Shortcuts: Infographic

Want to save a bit of time? Facebook integrates some keyboard shortcuts that make it easier for users to navigate through the platform. Today we give you some tips on how to use them to your advantage. These keyboard shortcuts are designed to open links to Messages, Profile Pages, Friend Requests, and…

Category : Social networks   21-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

Facebook's top 10 social design secrets

Facebook's top 10 social design secrets

Designing, building and growing successful social products requires a solid understanding of social behaviour and a willingness to adopt and embrace a development process that’s different to what most people are familiar with. Here are 10 principles that should get you onto the right path. Social insights Designing great social experiences starts…

Category : Social networks   17-05-2013   by Janeth Kent

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