Esports - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

3 results for: esports

The history of video games: from entertainment to virtual reality

The release of Return to Monkey Island (September 2022) has jogged video game fans' memories back to 1990, when The Secret of Monkey Island debuted, a graphic adventure based on the vicissitudes of Guybrush Threepwood, a somewhat awkward would-be pirate whose story inspired the film Pirates of the Caribbean. While…

Category : Videogames   28-11-2022   by Janeth Kent

The first videogame tournaments: the origin of eSports

The first video videogame tournaments: the origin of "eSports". Electronic sports or "eSports" are video game competitions that have been increasing in popularity over the years, being a lucrative sector that currently moves hundreds of millions of euros. Its origins date back to the first video game tournaments in history, which were…

Category : Videogames   19-10-2022   by Janeth Kent

eSports streaming market breaks all records

If it was already very successful globally before, in the wake of the pandemic the online game streaming industry has managed to grow to totally unexpected levels. Its expansion is unstoppable and experts predict that its value will grow by 70% in the next four years and could reach some…

Category : Videogames   27-04-2021   by Janeth Kent

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