80 S - Ma-No Tech News & Analysis, Javascript, Angular, React, Vue, Php

2 results for: 80 s

The first videogame tournaments: the origin of eSports

The first video videogame tournaments: the origin of "eSports". Electronic sports or "eSports" are video game competitions that have been increasing in popularity over the years, being a lucrative sector that currently moves hundreds of millions of euros. Its origins date back to the first video game tournaments in history, which were…

Category : Videogames   19-10-2022   by Janeth Kent

Top free JavaScript User Authentication Libraries

We are keen on security: authentication is an important issue when creating a dynamic web application Authentication is for identifying users and provide different access rights and content depending on their id. Since new tutorials appear on the web and more people try to understand the cost-benefit equation for implementing their…

Category : Javascript   29-01-2020   by Janeth Kent

q=80-s Clicky