How to Optimize Images for SEO

by Janeth Kent Date: 20-02-2020 seo images marketing online google search engine serp

Images are a vital part of engaging online content.

People have short-time attention no one wants to open a page only to find an unbroken wall of text. Photos, infographics and illustrations are a key way to supplement your text to make your page look more attractive.

Choosing the right image for your page can be almost as important as how you optimize it for SEO.

Choose your site images strategically:

  • 1. Same subjects or topics as your articles.
  • 2. Emphasize the point you are making.
  • 3. Enhance the reading/viewing experience instead of disrupting it.
  • 4. Place images on your page that are relevant to the text around it (search engines use the page content surrounding images to determine what the image is showing)
  • 5.Avoid using stock photos! They make your web site look generic. Plus. If you want to use images, make them yourself, or get a photographer and/or illustrator.

However, if you can't reliably create your own quality images, there are some tools and services that will help you find awesome images:

  1. Canva
  2. Freepik.
  3. Google Images
  4. Flickr
  5. Instasize

File Names

Once you’ve found the right image, optimization begins with choosing the right filename. Never use the default image file name, like “DSC00001.jpg” unless it’s absolutely unavoidable. Some file name best practices to follow for SEO are:

  • Use hyphens (-) as word separators. Don’t use underscores ( _ )
  • Be descriptive and accurate.
  • Try to use keywords related with the content..

Title and Alternative Attributes

An an image tag, should look like this:

< img src="example.jpg” alt=”alternative text” title =”image title” / >  

The image alt attributes should provide more detail about the images. Think of it as a description of an image for someone who can’t see it couse. Search engines rely on alt text because they can’t actually see an image.

Alternative text is considered one of the most important aspects of an image for SEO. In fact, Google has an entire heading dedicated to it in their image publishing guidelines.

If you use multiple images targeting the same keyword, try to differentiate the alt text by including characteristics like color, brand name or size. And for image resize please visit this website:

Banner vector created by katemangostar -
by Janeth Kent Date: 20-02-2020 seo images marketing online google search engine serp hits : 10074  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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