How to Create a Brand Story through Video Marketing

How to Create a Brand Story through Video Marketing
by Janeth Kent Date: 13-02-2019 video marketing brand marketing

Humans always have and probably always will turn to stories, be them in books or on screen, to both make sense of life and get a break from it at times, and you should be tapping into this instinctive fascination to draw people to your brand and ultimately to your business.

To create such a narrative for yourself, the best medium to use is video marketing. This is because, when people, especially those that are just passing through, can see what they are being told playing out before their eyes, they are always going to be more receptive of it. So get telling your brand story through the form of video — to see how to do it in a way that’ll make the most impact, check out the advice below.


Translate your core purpose clearly

Your core purpose needs to be shining through each video that upload, from the second they start to the second they finish, if you want them to create a brand story for you. To do this, you have to begin with your ‘why’ — you have to address, be it subtly or explicitly, why you do what you do. As the video progresses, you need to clearly translate how your ‘why’ is designed to help your customers, and how your purpose is set up to make an impact on their lives as consumers.


Use visuals and sounds that encapsulate your brand

Video content helps consumers to feel something. They are pushed to feel in this way thanks to what they see and what that they hear. Therefore, in order to create the story for your brand that you want it to have, you have to be paying close attention to its visuals and its sounds. More to the point, you have to be ensuring that they encapsulate everything about your brand that you think makes it what it is.

Unless you’re a trained video producer yourself, you aren’t going to be able to do this alone. You're going to have to align yourself with a professional in the field of video production, such as Working Beautifully, as they will be able to incorporate all the content into your video that needs to be included in it to build its specific brand story. They will be able to do this in a way that is neither forced or at all out of place.


Show, don’t tell

When seeking to create your brand through video marketing, you have to resolve to show as much about your business and its identity as you can — If you’re going to merely tell your customers about it, then you might as well write it down in the medium of text.

To show, at the very basic level, you have to actually include videos of what your business offers — if you’re a restaurant owner, for instance, this would mean recording your chefs hard at work in the kitchen.

The most effective way to communicate your brand is to have it generate emotion for whoever comes into contact with it, and the best way to rouse such a feeling is through storytelling.

by Janeth Kent Date: 13-02-2019 video marketing brand marketing hits : 6892  
Janeth Kent

Janeth Kent

Licenciada en Bellas Artes y programadora por pasión. Cuando tengo un rato retoco fotos, edito vídeos y diseño cosas. El resto del tiempo escribo en MA-NO WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT.


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